I Belong to House Castiello - Ch. 84

Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2019
@Siquall yeah no sorry dude, I’m totally fucking judging your dad for going after an 18 year old at 30.

Feb 5, 2020
Do any of you have a clue on what Emiel's age is? Please tell me if you do because I'm starting to doubt my thoughts on shipping Estelle and Emiel together (even if they're probably endgame)
Dec 16, 2019
Age gap of 6 years is not a big gap. I've dated older guys than me and it all comes down to maturity. You can be be in your 30s and still immature. In this situation, she likes him more (which is absolutely understandable when you're a teenager). It's new to her. He appears bit more reserved, but clearly likes her. He's not going to show the interest just yet and the author knows it's still too early. We'll get another time skip before they get together, at least that's what I think.

I'm bit confused how some of you are saying how everything happened too quickly when the hits where there from the get go. We have 84 chapters and some of you think everything happened in the past 3 chapters when that was never the case.

Also, he didn't raised her, he protected her. Big difference.

I do think she needs be in her 20s to get something more serious between, but for now it's just a crush which is fine.
Jul 27, 2018
Guys guys guys this story gets waaaay better again from ch85. S3 is looking real good, there’s hope!


Apr 11, 2019
Btw an author must have already drew lines before a story even started.
A simple things like "a child meet a Knight then she have a feeling for him."
"a child with a mixed blood"
"pink eyes"
"i like magic so I will add wizard"

A simple lines. It's an idea of a story or story plot, and basically it's the author imagination. I just don't like when others talk shit about someone story.
If it's reader doesn't like it, meaning the way that the author construct his/he story aren't interesting enough for them.

And yes the timeskip makes the romance feel rushed and forced for the love development, but the story can't keep est being a child forever. she needs to grow up so the romance can go deeper and other part of the story can keeps accruing. Basically the story needs another critical moment but the young est already have enough problems, if they keeps going making est having a problem while she's still a child, the reader will have a bigger problem and questioning the author about abuse on a little girl.
the romance of est and emiel will go down for a bit for the next couple of chapters, she will be more worried of her father and family.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
@mrf And what you wrote is that what I said ... it is understandable to do a timeskip, but the characters dont feel like anything changed. They stopped developing and these are things the Author needs to think about too. I dont talk shit about it in any way. What I say is that the Author partly failed in the characters or at the very least the presentation of them.
A good Athor doesnt bends its characters by force, he guides them. Yes that is a big difference. A good character works and developes in his own way and with that it happens that he goes off of the planned way. Which you need to adjust, BUT you shouldnt adjust the character but the happenings that led there.
If the character doesnt fit anymore and you cant connect to that what you wanted anymore, you either accept it or completely overhaul the character. Doing the second one is not really possible if it is already released and the character established or something like that.
A point where he did the romance really good was with Roy and Ellen, but with Estelle and Emiel he failed gloriously.

That Estelle partly doesnt act grown up is btw a really good point he did set up with Anne, but her relationship with Emiel ..... there is the point he failed. Maybe he has something planned that safes it, but until now the problem is still there. Let the characters develope, maybe sprinkle a few things/information after the timeskip (there are many ways to do it) and then it wouldnt feel that forced or rushed.
That is criticism and not talking shit. Any person or Author who doesnt want to accept such a thing shouldnt write stories in the first place or at least dont show them to the public.

The same thing is her reincarnation. Until know this point is useless. It is completely forgotten here. It would be a thing if that would explain her connection to the spirits maybe, but until know it is a pointless thing.


Apr 11, 2019
Dude i already state my opinion,
i got no problem with the shipping period.

You cannot shove your opinion/ideals/ideology down to other people throats.

If you want to keep on talking about how authors should write their story, you should just make a thread forum in this website and see what other people shove down your throat.

And for what i wrote is what you said , in fact I'm detailing & repeating my original comments meanings and the meaning behind it, before you even said anything.

Do i need to show you each meaning of my words/sentences? You got busy with your denials of my opinion and didn't even digest what you read.

One more thing if you wanted to argue with someone you should know what your opponents doing with their words.
Aggregator gang
Oct 16, 2019
This arc was really quite the let down. The only enjoyable part was Estelle. holding a funeral for momma, otherwise not much of interest.
Active member
Feb 15, 2019
@TallyTally the reason why it feels it happened "quickly" is because up until very recently the romance part was just looking like a one sided crush of a child towards an adult. Like a 10 years old would have a crush on their teacher for example. You would just think "awww it's cute" but that's about it, you wouldn't feel like it was something serious. I think that's why a lot of us didn't think much of the "hints" that were left in the previous chapters. The result is that the way it became a real romance all of a sudden did feel rushed, or at least forced imo. It felt like "she's a kid having a cute teenage crush" - > timeskip -> "it's now a real romance".

Also the thing about it being a bit weird/disturbing is not so much about the age gap or even the "he educated her" bit, but it's rather about the fact that when the romance started one was a child and the other was an adult. Getting in a relationship with a girl that you met as a kid and that you watched grow up is weird however you turn it. You can't really only look at the age gap and say "it's only a 6 years difference", you rather have to look at their respective ages. You have to think in terms of relative values and not absolute values, because age gaps become less meaningful as people grow older. For example someone who is in their fifties going out with someone in their thirties isn't that weird. But a 34 years old having a crush on a 14 years old is just creepy. Yet the age gap is the same.

I think that when she will become a fully grown adult it won't look as weird to the people around them (I agree that she'd need to be about 20 years old). But to us, readers, who saw them since the beginning, it will always feel kind of weird imo. It would be like going out with the daughter of your friend or your little sister's friend just because she hit the 20 years old mark and now she's an adult... It's nothing illegal per say, and to most people it will appear as a normal couple as the years go by, but it's still weird nonetheless imo.

@Dragou I wholeheartedly agree about the reincarnation bit. To be honest I even forgot about it and only remembered after reading your comment. I'm tired of isekais that are isekais just for the sake of being isekais. Authors just know that isekais are more popular than regular fantasy at the moment, so when they want to make a fantasy story they turn it into an isekai just for the sake of it. Just like we have tons of 100 days comics right now that would work just fine without the 100 days gimmick.
It's especially infuriating when the story starts to make even less sense after you remember that she was reincarnated. Why is she still mentally a child when she was 23 years old in her past life? I'm not only talking about the way she acts because that was actually explained with Anne, but her way of thinking in general. She surely doesn't act like someone who would be almost 40 mentally.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
I think you are the one who doesnt understand words. But I wont repeat myself (besides your english is worse than mine, therefore explaining your sentences would actually help).
If I write a story and someone calls out to me that I made such a mistake, I would need to accept it and find a way to deal with it and I would be thankful that someone tells me that. (psst that his how critisicm works btw)

That isnt ideology or something like that, but that is surely new for you, therefore we cut the rest.

@Kekitus The reason it feels rushed or forced and akward is more that it doesnt feel that the crush progressed, Besides them beeing older it didnt really changed. The timeskip is a good point to progress the hints into full fledget points. Which didnt really happened. If that would have been better shown to us readers, then it wouldnt feel forced. Some people would maybe feel akward because of circumstances and so on but it would be still better than how it is.
Mar 23, 2019
Estelle... I just beg of you to wait until you're older to pursue anything...

But I can't imagine from Emiel's perspective... he basically raised the child and has been with her ever since... phew


Apr 11, 2019
No worries, English not my mother language, i just don't like the way you talk so yes we'll end it here.
Oct 21, 2020
I mean I guess in historical context Sasha was gonna get married when Estelle was 11 and they were around the same age.. and the king looks wayyy older than the queen since she wanted to marry the duke honestly I like age gap marriages are normal in this universe it’s just kinda weird that her child stage was her and Emiles binding / getting to know eachother fase I always figured that he was just an over protective slightly controlling big brother which was kinda toxic but not obsessive but now idk

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