@Mai_loves_icecream @UniYuki In her defense, she mentioned that he takes pills to help him sleep, so it's possible she thought that he took one before his nap and thus wouldn't have been so easily woken up. Even if he hadn't taken medicine, if he was really tired due to lack of sleep then if he actually managed to fall asleep then his body would be reluctant to actually wake up. Granted, he's been to war and war vets are commonly very sensitive to stimuli when asleep(since nightly raids are always a possibility, regardless of era), so if he was asleep then she surely should have known that she would have woken him up from her touching him if not for her words. Also, if he has insomnia then she should have known it was far less likely that he was asleep and more likely he was just relaxing with his eyes closed and simply chose not to acknowledge her, which is clearly what happened.
Simply put, I agree it's silly but I want to give her the benefit of the doubt anyway.