I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
This turn shit really quick, I am sure of it

Edit, make sense. Author made oneshots so far.
Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
Honami-san wingmanning hard. Hahha, she knows whats up. She even heart emoji'd! Fuwaaaaa!
Also has a great lock screen on her phone.
Active member
Mar 3, 2019
@KZO Right? This is the problem with manga communities and following chapter releases, people assume the worst and whine in the comments, saying how the series has "gone to shit", but we don't know that yet. We have no idea what will ACTUALLY happen. People's constant whining and doom saying based off only their own assumptions is one of the most exhausting things about manga communities.

Edit: I also find it frustrating because people don't give the author the benefit of the doubt, or have any confidence in the author's abilities to pull off the series.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 25, 2019
Morinaga is just a normal friend, I don't think she had any romantic feelings for Honda and this may be controversial but I don't think she was introduced to sped up their relationship.
Sakurai is already in love with Honda, that is pretty obvious, Honda is a pretty likeble person, It would be weird if she was alone all the time even though she has friends. So having Morinaga as a new student that wants to be friends with someone be with Honda is pretty reasonable, that happens all the time irl, people like new things, they like new people, it's normal to be really attached to something you like the first days that you have that something in your life.
I don't think the author will use Morinaga just to sped up the relationship, I think she will be a friend to help Sakurai be more honest and Honda be more confident..
This happened to help Sakurai to realize that not always she will be able to depend on Honda asking her favors, If she continued to act the way she was acting, expecting Honda to ask her for a favor, she could get really hurt.
And sakurai isn't using jealousy to strengthen her relationship, she was trying to open up about how she was feeling uneasy to someone she trusts, She feels comfortable enough with Honda now that she can admit how she was missing Honda.
She is just being honest, If she didn't say that Honda probably would feel like Sakurai doesn't care about her.
This just proves how much Sakurai loves Honda now, She feels uneasy seeing Honda being close with someone else. Now, It's not just about the recommendation, it's not just about Honda's desires, Sakurai too wants to be with her.

Thank you so much for the chapter <3<3<3<3
Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
Also, that hand holding on p21. Gonna get pregat! (Very cute though tbh)
Active member
Mar 3, 2019
@Alice_is_lost Ah yeah that's another really obnoxious habit that people have. A series often needs a bit of time to grow into it's self, and assuming a series is canned after 1-3 chapters is pretty absurd.
Double-page supporter
Mar 21, 2018
@icekatze Another reason I like the male lead in Koi Dano Ai Dano. Another girl suggests they pull a jealousy gambit to spring their respective love interests into action. He rejects it because he realises that it's hurtful and dishonest -- and the female lead would be too thick to get it anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
I have a feeling that now new girl will blackmail Honda to do whatever she wants or she'll tell the world about those two. And Honda, to protect our MC's feelings, will agree to that. It would be so obvious and cliche - but I wouldn't be surprised at all.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
@Alice_is_lost the whole plot is that teacher give terms to MC so she could get a recommendation letter, and Honda give terms to MC to do, or she won't go to the school, and MC won't get her recommendation letter. What is it if not a blackmail in its core? So, basically, this is blackmail manga from the beginning. And new girl giving terms to Honda to do (blackmail) is a perfect fit for this cycle of terms. So I wouldn't be surprised at all.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Say, just occurred to me . . . I wonder if the character's name being "Morinaga" is a shout-out to the grand dame of yuri manga, Morinaga Milk?
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! 💓💓💓💓my heart went at full
That lewd hand holding!! Hold mah gae soul plss. >\\\<💓
I'm glad sakurai is being a little honest now. And progressing her feelings for honda.

I won't judge morinaga's character for now, cuz I think it's to early for it. We still didn't know what she is up to. ally or foe,who knows she might be the great wingwoman in the story. I know we are about to know it in the following chapters. Let's see how her character will goes,and if the author will do some flashback or chapters focused on her. 😊💓.

Thank you so much for the fluff update !and for the efforts of this translation.💓
I have now acquired my daily doze of zzuuugaaarr. 💓💓💓

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