wait. 'caranthe'? wasn't it 'caLanthe' like two chapters down? i remembered the bame 'cause witcher...
also, why do i have the feeling that eclot already know that is not the princess but isn't saying anything like robia did before? he did have doubts like 'who is that person' during the servants punishment and i think also in some other places.
and ho ho hoooo~ how did the evil old yeldria not jump darling eclot?

or was it something twisted like with robia? like "he wants me so i won't do anything, just ao i can torment him with all the other men i sleep with"?
also, who wants to bet that the new womanizer will turn out to be evil? after all, it's a bit late and he isn't on the cover.
robia acting like a secret agent is pretty hot too (and is yuriel actualy the 10th concubine of that asshole duke with the missing tooth? bwahaha would suit her well xD (die, thot, die))