I Gave Birth to the Tyrant's Child - Ch. 10

Dec 21, 2020
geez now im really starting to think you guys are just uploading more for the drama. Why dont u guys try to contact one of the staffs from SSUS and talk abt it?
Dec 21, 2020
@ItsHanabi I'm trying to understand their thought process here.

As a reader, all I want is good quality translations. I can't speak for Scanslators but they all must be doing this shit because they want what the readers want right?

Here comes SSUS, with a good quality ch1 despite it being a speedrun. I'm pretty sure Heavn scans worked on it at around the same time but ssus was just an hour faster than heaven. If Heavn didnt want their already-spent-efforts to go to waste, then they shouldve uploaded their version of ch1 and stopped there. Most groups do that when they lose the speedrun, like they upload the first two chaps they worked on and then drop it.

but noe, they rlly out here wasting their time and effort until ch10. smh, let it go and rest. please.
Jul 6, 2020
I appreciate the effort put I'm by this team but I dont get it? I feel like someone should just reach out to each other from either scans bc this is just effort being wasted.

In all fairness, sunny side did upload first and did with all the chapters? Other scan groups would have just moved on and I really dont understand why its happening like this? Tbh I've seen a few scan groups do this and it's like what's the point-?
Dec 21, 2020
@athanasia-de-alger-obelia Exactly my thoughts. Heavn is rlly just wasting their efforts at this point tbh.
@ Heaven staff tysm for the effort too but yall gonna end up with this needless drama if yall keep this up.

And @ItsHanabi thank you so much for yall's efforts. And it's wild how u guys already reached out but the other grp wouldnt budge. they love drama that much? smh
Sep 21, 2019
Both groups prob translated a bunch of the chapters already. They’re most likely just releasing them. No way can you clean and do all that translating in a few hours.
Nov 15, 2019
For the love of god, stop attacking this group already. More than anyone else, it is your behaviour that is disgusting. How is having alternative translations/scanlations harming you? In what way is it affecting you? As readers you should be grateful for the opportunities to read more. Personally, I will always welcome additional translations, regardless of who is making them. There is absolutely no reason for you to attack this group, especially when all you rely on is someone's one-sided opinion.

@ItsHanabi does it make you feel better about yourself? You are being toxic and creating drama out of nothing. Stop inciting more drama. You are "wasting your time".
Jul 6, 2020
@Tadamori I'm sorry but no one (at least in this particular comment section) is attacking the group, we are just confused
Theres basic scans etiquette that all scans teams follow and we're just asking questions? No it's not harming anyone but efforts are being wasted on both sides. If that is your personal opinion then that is yours but this is mine.
Feb 1, 2020
Hi, just to clarify some things. SSUS's admins did indeed dm our admin but we had told them that we had purchased all the raws and would be doing it till there. The raws are paid and none of us would want to see our staff, who have been working around the clock, to have their effort wasted. Another thing is that SSUS did not fully upload all the chapters faster than us, we in fact, uploaded chapter 2, 3, 6 and 7 faster than them. @ItsHanabi please clarify with your leader before coming for us and @mopoppo we were working on 10 chapters simultaneously, now, does that justify us uploading all 10?
Mar 11, 2018
Personally, I don’t see why either group should be reprimanded on so-called “etiquette”. In the Novel Translation community, it is not considered Sniping if the new/second group starts from chapter 1; which both groups here have done.
Perhaps I’m just an old timer, but this really should be considered as friendly competition rather than “HOW DARE YOU UPLOAD 1 HOUR LATER!?”. Even moreso in this case where neither translation/post-editing is perfect, said competition actually benefits the readers with different interpretations of the text.

And let me add an aside. If “speedrunning” the scans is your primary objective and the quality of the work suffers then you really should stop and reconsider your professionalism. SSUS clearly dropped the ball in this regard with subsequent releases (I’m looking at you, chapter 5). Haevn also got a bit lazy with typesetting, but that is understandable given the volume of chapters. Haevn also had the decency to translate sound effects, which SSUS completely gave up on trying. So for those saying Haevn is just “wasting their effort” then you clearly did not read closely enough to see the additional quality they added to their scans.
Feb 1, 2020
I welcome all translations, I think "etiquette" and "snipping" are bull since your work or theirs is not official, so I appreciate all translations for free and if I find that it's difficult to understand (English not being my first language) I just don't read it. Thanks for the chapters!!
Nov 27, 2020
Both groups' scanlations have their strong and weak points, and if Haevn had already bought raws for this series I don't see why those should go to waste. Creating drama and attacking the group that uploads late is strange to me - we've already seen from the mistakes in Ch. 8 and 9 that the fastest to upload isn't always the best. Good luck to both teams and I hope you try your best in your work. Thank you! 😀
Nov 29, 2019
Haevn scan please do not drop this series! I don't care even if you guys are slower or your typesetting is kinda .. kinda bad tbh... BUT your translation is so much better than the other group. Idk man I think the tl from the other group is kinda confusing? Feels like I'm reading instagram translator since the dialogue doesn't make sense.

I'd rather read the one with worse ts but better tl. You only have 1 hr difference in uploading. It's still a fair game if the difference only 1 hr. Please do not give this series up!
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
Nothing wrong with concurrent releases if both groups are scanlating out of passion for the series. You do you. For the people flipping out at Heavn, just chill friends, it's all all right.

I'm no fan of sniping, but concurrent releases don't bother me in the slightest. Both groups put in the effort on all the chapters, so let's congratulate them for their hard work.

Thank you for all the hard work Heavn and SSUS

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