I Got Double the Skills from God!!

Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
For anyone reading this and being curious, @Kazumaik and @Murderkarp were talking about "Yondome wa Iyana Shi Zokusei Majutsushi", which is also a series scanlated by Mangasushi, same as this one. It's quite a bit darker and less happy though, especially for the first couple chapters.
Jan 22, 2018
The transition from Ch 4 to 5 gave me some whiplash... is this a case of an adaptation cutting a few things from the novel?
Aggregator gang
Jun 4, 2018
just reading the summary is enough to pass on this title. first mcs are already op with their "gift" not this mc gets 2? how much more easy mode do you want? seriously what are you guys reading?

i'll give you a summary, "individual gets super powers thats originally intended for two people..and then takes a walk in the park..because all obstacles he encountered with will be dealt with easily since he's OP, the end"

wow you guys are really good at choosing your mangas LOL
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
@kanaloa do i feel salt ? i mean it's generic isekai, you shouldn't have high expectations to begin with, you'll only get disappointed
Oct 16, 2018
Why is this garbage pile a 7.0? I came in thinking it would at least be DECENT considering the rating, but it's actually god awful.

Who are the 32 brain dead individuals that gave this shit a 10?
Apr 18, 2020
A manga where the protagonist sees not one iota of struggle or difficulty. Sesame Street has more tension and drama than this manga.
Aggregator gang
Jun 4, 2018
@FireCamp i like isekai genre though..thats why im irritated. people who read these generic ones are the reason why those writers are shitting out more of this crap. the most i can do is try to make people think if they happen to read my comment the reason WHY i did what i did. i'm not trying to troll or make people have a hard time. these types of titles are trash. we need quality not quantity. people need to have standards-thats all im saying.
May 24, 2019
Seriously talk about the isekai genre in another god damn thread no one wants to fucking hear your criticism. Also people can rate it whatever they want based on there personal gain from the story itself even if it may seem dumb in YOUR OPININ KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
Apr 18, 2020
Just because it's not for us, that doesn't mean that everyone who likes it is stupid. I like stories where the protagonist has to struggle a bit, but it's not wrong for others to enjoy a lack of adversity.

It's like looking down on someone for not 'getting' post-modern art.

@Tartiris The comments section is for making comments on the manga. Would you prefer this just be a positive echo chamber that does nothing but sing the praises of this manga?
Oct 16, 2018
@tartiris Yeah, people can rate whatever they want....and we can call anyone who rates this a 10 is braindead or trolling, I think that's fair?

I mean sure, you can like it, but a 10? Are you guys kidding me? Don't be delusional.
May 24, 2019
@xTachibana your just not understanding the personal value of the rating they are not rating it based on the actual rating perceived by others like you, they may like a manga more than you do based on their preferences and it’s not delusional since it’s there personal gain that they get from the story. And you say that rating a certain manga a 10 is wrong or delusional is just your opinion, who cares about your opinion?
Aggregator gang
Jun 4, 2018
@Tartiris if my message was just a bias opinion you should've just ignored it but you're reacting to it which means that i might've hit the mark. as readers we should critique or criticize what we read. by doing this we're able to express to a certain degree how well we understood something. the whole point of reflecting is to unintentionally find things or see things in a different perspective that we wouldn't have normally when we're talking about it.

you shouldn't be annoyed with my comments..you should embrace it. i'm trying to help you and others become better readers. hahahaha
May 24, 2019
@kanaloa I’m going to go ahead an contradict the whole discussion and that you are right about how we should critique and stuff like that, but I do say not to the point of fucking slandering the manga itself, which you did by saying it was “ shitting out more of this crap.” and then you say that you are “critiquing” the manga or criticizing it but that’s only the tip of the mountain you say you are “helping people become better readers” and let me ask you this are you actually helping them become better readers by slandering the manga, rather than giving actual advice and tips of what you should look out for while reading the manga. Also a word of advice when critiquing focusing on the negative things of the manga you are reading is good but maybe you should also focus on the positive or unique things of the manga itself which gives us a ‘BETTER UNDERSTANDING’ of the manga and give the manga some good points to it.
May 24, 2019
@kanaloa Also to ad fuel to the steam roller, what perspective are you talking about you mean your opinion, that totally helps you become a better reader mhm sure. Please stop drooling on your keyboard, it’s embarrassing and disgusting.
Aggregator gang
Jun 4, 2018
@Tartiris How am I helping them? Seems that you missed my original comment. Take a read before you continue, it's my very first comment. Done? Let's continue - have you heard of the Socratic method? I'm using a variation of that. The whole point was to ask questions and point things out in the most obvious and harsh way to make people think WHY I said what I said. There are many different ways to trigger an individual's critical thinking and the Socratic method is one of the best way to make you question and reflect on something. For this case I've pointed out the faults for this title negatively. It's up to the individual to connect the dots. Some like you will get offended because it went over your head. Some will start to wonder why it's that bad and will think on it.

An analogy. Someone who have only eaten cup ramen can't be considered as someone who have good taste in ramen because they've never eaten real ramen. Cup ramen is easy to purchase and there are plenty that are packed with MSG to give the strong flavor-just like these generic isekai titles however, real ramen are rare. You need to travel to eat at a restaurant. When you put in effort to eat good food the result whether it's bad or good will impact you that much more. I see each one of these manga as me going out to a restaurant. I came for good food and I expect good food. From story, character design, plot, story progression, scene transition, etc. I judge all this. Just because you or other people read a lot of these generic isekai it doesn't mean that they are "objectively good" if you never even tried to grade them. What's more they probably don't have the ability to discern what is objectively good or bad. Just like chicken flavored maruchan ramen that most of us ate in college, it was just to starve off hunger.

With this you should atleast understand even if you don't agree with me. If nothing connect for you at this point it's over for you. Enjoy the crud and stay safe.
Oct 16, 2018
I think you take this "personal preference" thing too far. I refuse to believe that anyone genuinely think THIS art and story line are 10/10 worthy, even IF they enjoyed it. I understand that things are subjective, but you don't seem to understand that even in subjective topics, there is still some general objectivity. That is to say, anyone who thinks a stick figure is a better piece of art than the cover art of one punch man is an idiot. Technically that's just a subjective opinion right?

I mean, TECHNICALLY, someone could feasibly think that literal dog shit tastes better than a pizza....you see where I'm going? The story is, objectively, trash. The art is subpar at best, no matter how you look at it. Trust me, I consume my fair share of trash, considering I basically consume trashy CN novels on a daily, manga is similar to me....and yet even I think this is some next level garbage....it's kinda telling.

Also the rating spread is kinda sus....Like you seriously think that more people think this is a 10/10 than mediocre? Are you insane? This thing has a higher rating than trashy generic isekai tha are BETTER than this in every conceivable way, whether it be art, romance or story.

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