I Have Something to Tell You - Vol. 3 Ch. 64 - I have something to tell you

Oct 1, 2019
Lmao the audacity of the author to minimalize rape and abuse. Forgiveness is not the answer here. Can someone please go to the police? Holy moly. This sucks.
Nov 3, 2019
Did they both just die..? I presume those were the twins in the afterlife? Or maybe it's just random imagery for some analogy?

Please, the final chapter, please redeem it.
Aggregator gang
Feb 10, 2020
ok but they're both still murderers, I doubt the police will just let them go
Active member
Apr 18, 2020
really? I get it love of god and all that hippy shit but really? forgive the wife of the pedophile who aided him? fuck off.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2018
I get that this twin's theme is "Forgiveness" but lmao this is just dumb as fuck.

The concept isn't bad, forgiving the orphanage husband and wife. But the fact that the wife was barely characterized, giving her just one chapter focused on her for a hasty audience sympathy connection by showing that she had a fucked up life, and her entire screen time being filled up with her being a shitty human being just brings this entire execution down. I don't feel any sympathy or empathy for her, really wish author went a different route or just fleshed the wife out way more than just "yeah i'm fucked up but i had a fucked up past, too. HA!" and nothing else. Unlike the plot relevant characters, she's dull and serves as nothing more than cheap anger and shock.
Dec 20, 2019
I don't wanna be the guy who minimizes the imaginable pain that people who suffer through this kind of abuse, but I hope you all can find the strength to forgive the person who did you all harm, to end the cycle.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
As a victim of childhood sexual abuse myself, I gotta say the whole concept of "forgive your abuser" is conflicting to me. My situation was very different from the story though.
There's forgiveness, and there's letting go of it. I think a lot of people (especially those who have never been through it) have a hard time distinguishing the two, and I think the author may be guilty of this misunderstanding lol. If anyone's interested in my own reflection of this chapter from the perspective of someone who's been through it, here:
I can't say I really "forgave" my abuser, but my hatred for her did lessen as I got older. And it was around the time I was old enough to realize (since my abuser was also a child at the time) that it was very likely she was abused the same way by someone else, and someone probably far scarier than she was to me, that I began to let go of that hate.
I'm not gonna speak for every survivor, but I will say for me personally, letting go of that hate was what finalized my coming to terms with the event and the beginning of moving on with my life. It was a good thing for me personally, development wise. If I choose to view that hug at the end as more of a symbolic thing, it makes sense to me. Because the twin had a lot of that built up rage from her traumatic past, and if I spin that hug in my own mind to be representative of her letting go of that rage rather than "forgiving" the woman, that can make sense.
Though it obviously wouldnt happen at that moment lol. It took me over 10 years to get to that point. It does come across as just silly to have her hug this woman who killed her only living family member 3 seconds ago. I'm very positive its impossible to just forgive or let go of a pain like that THAT quickly.

And as a disclaimer, I just wanna say this is all just my personal account. Everyone suffers from abuse differently, and I'm not trying to say I'm better than anyone else for letting go of that hate. Hating your abuser is very valid, and you can hate them for the rest of your life and still have the same progress I did in terms of moving on and processing the abuse. Nobody ever has to forgive or let go in order to move on, but some people will. I just wanted to put this out there because I saw myself in the twin when she was raging against the world for what happened to her. I went through those same feelings, and dropping that hatred was what made me able to finally put it all behind me.
Sep 24, 2018
Bruh. Like. BRUH. She enabled, or rather, supported a pedophile in his pedophilic endeavors, and killed the victim('s sister) because the victim stood up against him. In a sense, she's a worse villain than the pedophile. AND THE AUTHOR SAID FORGIVE THEM? No. No. She shoulda just turn the crowd against her. She already committed murder in front of them, it'll be easy to paint her as the villain at this point.
Jan 28, 2019
She was a crutch. Not a cure or a symptom. HE did it on his own, she just allowed it to happen and continue to happen. And yes she fucked up just cause she grew up the way she did. She confused love with dependence. What that woman did was wrong, but at the same time I can understand it. How can you villianise this woman, when you seen how she grew up? And I agree, her actions were over board but..

I'll play the devils advocate here, because I can see the other side...

Let me say this, how would YOU feel if someone took EVERYTHING from you, THE ONLY thing you've ever loved?

I'll leave it at that thought.
Sep 17, 2019
For all the angry people here... this is not a case of forgive the abuser, rape, etc, etc.

This is a case of letting go of hate because it destroys you from the inside. Every character we’ve seen has had something inside of them destroying them. The twin would have died if she let her darkness consume her—not to be dramatic.

And this story is about not letting those things control your life. So I ask you to think kindly towards this story and see beyond the immediate situation. As it’s not so simple as forgiving the unforgivable. Nothing in life is ever that simple.

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