I Married the Male Lead's Dad - Ch. 22

Jul 20, 2019
@sqrt9 It's quite common for heir apparents to hold titles of lesser nobles while they are the heirs. For example, Charles, Prince of Wales is the heir to the British throne has all of these titles to his name: "Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles and Prince and Great Steward of Scotland"

So Abel being an Earl at the same time as being the heir to the Dukedom might not be incorrect.
Sep 5, 2020

I understand that. But I don't think thats the case for the story..it seems like a mistranslation.. its only been repeated hes the heir to the dukedom. Hes only referred to as earl in their translations by Aisha I think?
May 31, 2020
@CosmicVagabond @sqrt9 Hi, translator ManhwaMuncher here!

In this case, Abel has no lesser lord title.
He is called "공자님" (gongja-nim).
- 'gongja' is literally "duke's son".
- 'nim' is a respectful way to refer to someone of a higher station than you (translations vary between 'Lord' and 'Lady' depending on gender)

We chose to call Abel 'Young Master,' and Asura chose to title him as something relatively believable like 'Earl'.
It's down to personal choice in translation, though I stick by our choice of 'Young Master,' as the novel does not, at any point, give Abel the title of Earl.

Hope that puts some of the uncertainty and confusion to rest! Thank you for reading the translations! 🤗
Sep 2, 2019
@reijou First of all. If you're going to reply at least read my comment first. I never said Sawateam were the "victims". I never said Asura scans were in the wrong either. That comment was for people telling Sawateam to drop the series. They can do whatever they wish. Most teams do not translate for money. They do this for fun, its really hard to translate things you're not interested in, so I can understand why they were upset. My point was that the people in the comment section had no right to discourage them in translating the series because they want to continue it. Drama or no drama.
Oct 30, 2020
When the MC died at 18, I wonder if she gave birth to Abel since she has no memories of life before that. Sawa hinted that she MIGHT be the actual mother of Abel not "stepmother". That might save MC from the embarrassment of "stanning" Abel, since it will be explain that Abel is actually her child. 🤔

Btw, I just wanna give a love letter to Sawateam amidst the attack on them: Sawateam, I support you 100%. You have the right to express your annoyance. You can be petty, sarcastic, or immature ie. be human, all you want. Like Aisha said, you can complain and throw a tantrum and I will still love you. Why? Because I appreciate your hard work. I've seen your other works and they are all so high quality. You deserve the support and appreciation that some people seem to forget you deserve.

I believe you have the right to get angry at a translations team who released episodes in bulk to pressure you to drop it when you picked it up first. You also have the right to release sarcastic notes on YOUR translations to express your frustration.

P.S Also, for the other such team that have a Patreon, but still manage to release shockingly subpar work, *shrugs* You are needed o-o

Love, Me!
Dec 15, 2020
@pyrogoth They've caught up to the raws now. I believe raws are out every week, and that they're planning to translate the chapter as soon as it comes out.
Aug 15, 2020
@Rainilu Well to be fair translating and sharing the work is already illegal since it breaks copyright law. So making money out of it just adds another charge. But either way all scanlations teams are already breaking copyright law by translating and sharing the work of the author without their consent. Also most raws come from Kakao which has a copyright warning to not share in any way. So either way we are all supporting piracy anyways by reading either chapter. So I say to just enjoy and ignore the drama. No point in trying to act moral like many people here after supporting piracy by reading any fan translated works.
Jul 28, 2018
Stanning Sawateam because their translation is honestly better in every way (Stan forlife? Lmao)

Picked this up
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2020
anyone know where the artwork (of the couple) at the end of the credits is from? is it a series?
Oct 23, 2020
Abel deserves all the love in the world. I absolutely adore him and the way he sees himself is heartbreaking 😫😭
Nov 14, 2019
Wow, this is how you show you're wrong huh. What a disgusting Scanslation group. Next time you decide to accuse someone, be sure to have evidence instead of firstly going to headless chicken mode.
Dec 28, 2019
All you people saying shit like "BOTH SIDES HJURRR SAWA ALSO WRONG" are fucking idiots. like bro, how are they in the wrong for calling Asura, a known sniper and shitty team, for sniping sawa's hard work - the team that had translated the series first. If you're one of those "talk it out privately" people, why don't you go do that? You ever have experience telling rude cunts not to be rude cunts?

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