That bitch is full of herself she makes no sense.
No, Sayu didn't know you liked the boy, because first of all, who the fuck are you?
And two, is she retarded? Instead of taking the news as a wound to her ego, she should see it for what it is, an opportunity? The guy she likes is still single, wtf she wanted from Sayu? For her to say she rejected him out of consideration for her Highness??
Some teenagers I swear. When I was in her position and was rejected by my crush because she liked another dude already, it really helped me to move on to learn who it was. Literally a random dude, not ugly but not handsome, a shorty rugby player with soon no working ears. It was hilarious, she had no taste! 😭
But nothing to do about it, it's about compatibility not a competition.
Each time I read or hear about a teen struggling at school, I want and we should scream to them who tf cares. It might seem like the whole world now, but this is such a small and irrelevant pond. Each year passing, and I forget the name of a teacher or someone I vaguely or actually knew then.