@BuffSoul Acupuncture has been tested and retested rigorously and disproven time and time again, so your lack of understanding is merely a lack of education rather than some vague quality of unknowableness to the functionality of human bodies.
Also, do you seriously not realize the hypocrisy of being on this website and complaining about the convenience factor? In the comments section of a comic that basically offers little else than instant gratification through the idea of becoming accomplished without putting in the years of effort actually getting good? Do you actually do something about the issues you're bringing up, or is your own garbage covered with single-use trash like we all know it is? And most importantly, how in the fuck is any of that even relevant to the viability of acupuncture as a substitute for real medicine?
Go ahead and practice what you preach by getting off the internet forever, please. It'll be great for everyone involved, I promise.