everyone cares about the plot while I'm just here, crying at some of the violin panels.
maybe I'm just too picky, but it just makes me cringe without thought. i appreciate the effort. sometimes the artists just bs violin playing so much it hurts me. so here's my rant on the (literally three) panels with the violin playing.
13/19 - the close-up is fine, but i have a bone to pick. how can maryjun(?) play in (i think) seventh position, basically just starting violin? in the last chapter, they mentioned that she learned the basics but couldn't play. so how can she play in the seventh position now? at most it's been a year. my guess is that she just played in the seventh position without thinking, but it shouldn't happen. she should be taught the seventh position first. normally, performance pieces are given out at least 3 months prior. i doubt she learned how to play a piece in the seventh position within that time. the bow arm is weird. the pinky should be on the bow, the hand is tilted too much to the left, looks like she's playing on the opposite side of the fingerboard. a small nitpick, the left arm in the close-up should be curved more to the outside. just helps with playing the piece easier. oh also, the way she plays her bow on the close-up, it looks like it's facing outwards. she might be doing col lengo (which looks most likely like what she's doing), but i could be wrong.
14/19 & 16/19 - okay, these panels just made me laugh. this was funny. the way vio held the violin on the bottom right made me scared and it felt like those people who hug their violins on their stands. the one on page 16. when i tell you that made crack up, it really did. the way that attendant held the violin like it was a sword just sent me.
anyways, if you made it this far (i sound like a youtube I'm sorry) thanks. i'm just nitpicking this for the fun of it. i don't mean to offend anyone or say that the author can't draw people playing the violin, since, obviously they can. it's not bad, honestly just search up "violin stock images" and you'll know what bad violin posture means. I've seen anime portray violin playing worse, and this did it pretty well. i just gave my two cents, but if you want to bash me saying i have no experience or i don't know the stylistic choices or whatever, go ahead. i'm welcoming you with open arms. thanks for listening to my ted rant, and bye.