I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

May 17, 2020
Btw Maryjun doesn't have to know the details of Violette's life to know that their home life is fucked with Violette being the biggest victim and mj and her mom and dad gaining so much at Violette's expense. There's no amount of sheltering that can make mj unable to see what's literally in front of her eyes every day at home when Vio is treated like she's unimportant/not there. A normal family would try to welcome the new addition. They've only celebrated mj. Isn't that awkward. A normal family would acknowledge that it was Vio's home first. But they treat her like she moved in instead. A normal family would acknowledge Vio just lost her mother, yet they're celebrating mj's admittance to HS and not helping Vio mourn at all.

Not to mention, mj is literally bullied for her new status being considered harmful to Vio. So why doesn't that make her feel any sensitivity? Since she's so nice. She definitely knows that Vio's life is more awkward and scandalous because of her new status. It's a choice to overlook what people around you are going through.

What I don't like about mj is maybe she doesn't owe Vio anything so she doesn't have to worry about her but then why attempt any relationship with Vio? And not even just the superficial type of friendliness Vio thinks it's important to maintain. She really pays attention to Violette's connections to people (before with Yulan and now Claudia) and she tries to deepen their relationship. Despite that desire being one-sided. Like she really doesn't care to think about how Vio might be feeling.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@ponta666: "Why do people hate the prince so much."
I guess he and this story are a good example for how superficial "falling in love" can be and maybe we don't like that concept on a subconscious level. While he didn't do anything (too) morally wrong in both cases, we can't help but see how differently he acts towards his love interests in both timelines. It is very important for him to protect the person he loves (as he did the first time around with MJ (Maryjun)), but it looks like the persons themselves aren't really that important to him, as we see how cold he can be towards V (Violette) and her sister.

It seems, that a female first must fancy the prince's interest, before he can open up to her. That doesn't sound too bad. Also he ignores any other female after he took interest in a girl. That is even a decent character trait. -> Looks like he won't cheat. But how in the world can he be so indifferent to a person (MJ) in the second run, while he totally fell in love with her the first time around? He doesn't even see her as somebody he wants to be friends with, even though she is the sister of his beloved one. He seemingly doesn't fell any sympathy nor attraction, not even in a platonic sense, towards her. So what did connect them the first time around besides her being bullied by the girl, who chased after him? Well, it looks like really nothing much. The constellation of things have been interesting. MJ was interesting. It looks like a really shallow, insincere love, as he actually isn't interested in her as a person, but simply gave her personality a chance once he looked at her for other reasons.

And this time it is V. And how did it came to be? Because V used to chase him and suddenly stopped. She dropped his interest in him. She dropped him. And that irked him. And in turn this irks us princehaters. The reason, why he took an interest in MC is because of a hurt ego. Alright, so he saw her good sides later, but those are things that make her a good future queen and bestboy Yulan already saw her good sides, saw her way earlier. The prince now fell in love with the girl, that he didn't give a damn about before? Isn't this the very same shallow love he held for MJ? Well, yes it is.

We donn't like the prince. We don't like his way of treating other people. We don't like his cold personality. We don't like his self-love. Yulan on the other side was always there for V, as she stated it herself (somewhere in the chapters). We saw, that he deeply cares for her. He didn't visit her in her 3 months of imprisonment, but maybe he wasn't allowed to do so as part of her punishment. (She refused to eat and simply died then.) Yulan would be a much better husband for her and there is a good chance she goes for him, as she starts to be genuinely be interested in him. (I know it is funny, that we give MC the right to do so, while we deny it to the Prince. It is what it is.) But now the Prince buds in with his shallow interest in her, convinced that this must be love, and is a danger for her happy end. That's why we hate him. For him being a danger. For his part in the story. And because we don't like him to begin with.
Oct 1, 2019
Vio still being in love with the prince makes sense although it ticks me off. He was her world. Her escape from the hell of her household. She isn't just going to get over him, but he can f--- right off. He zeros in on whatever interests him and ignores all else. He isn't even noticing that Vio now seems uncomfortable around him, and throughout this conversation he is barely looking at her. His world revolves around him and Vio needs to make a quick exit

@ironvader501 That spoiler is the only reason I will continue to read this. What is happening right now is pissing me off. I'm fine with MJ. I was really scared that the prince would end up the ML though. I really don't like him.
Active member
Dec 28, 2018
@IronVader501 ah i so hope that kind ending happenings. Im glad her telling it like it is as well.
couldn't give a toss about the prince though couldn't stand the girl in 1st run even though she threw herself at him.
2nd run moving on as he asked and now he's obsessed with her. The Prince's servant is also quite manipulative in setting up situations i find.
Active member
Oct 25, 2020

Yeah, honestly, Maryjune seems to have the general awareness of a rotten potato.

She's a nice girl. In every other circumstance, her trying to get closer to her sister despite the odds would be admirable.

But how in the flying f*ck does she not notice why Violette wants to stay away from her and her family in general?

No matter what she does, she gets praised for it, while Violette either gets scolded for things she never did or just completely ignored, even when she went out of her way to help Mj with something (like the Concert). Violette is still the firstborn, and a pure Noble, while Mj is half-commoner and was until literally a month ago the illegal child from an affair, and nobody seems to care in the slighest that Vio's mother literally just died and her Father brought in his mistress like the next day.

Even assuming that she doesn't pick up on that because she's lived her life as a commoner until now and doesn't know the social norms (even though most of that should and would be noticed by anyone that knows what "basic human decency" is)...Mjs room is like twice the size of Violettes. Its very close to the parents chamber and the dining-room, always warm, decorated very cozily, every single centimetre exactly to Mjs taste, and literally overwflowing with toys and dresses and everthing else she could possibly want cause she gets constantly gifted so much stuff she literally ran out of place to store everything.

In contrast to Violettes room (in which Mj has been multiple times already, I might add), which is at the other end of the Mansion so it takes her forever to get anywhere, cold in the Winter, painted in colours everybody in the Mansion knows Violette hates, has exactly one closet, one sofa, a drawer and a bed and nothing else in it, and is completely devoid of any personal possessions or decorations in general because Violette doesn't HAVE anything she could show, since the only gifts she ever got in her entire life were from either Yulan or her Maid and she carries them with her the entire time.

Literally everybody would notice what is wrong with that family after spending ten minutes in that House. And despite that, despite ALL OF THAT constantly being directly in front of Maryjune, despite her clearly seeing that the Father treats Violette like literal shit every time she's around him EVERY SINGLE DAY, she somehow STILL doesn't understand why Vio doesn't want to have anything to do with her or her Family. Ffs sake in the Novel, when Violette gets back from the talk about Tea with the Prince, there's an additional scene about her being in Mjs room (Can't remember the reason) for a brief moment and Mjs even INVITES HER to come over more often. If we wouldn't already know that Mj doesn't have any malicious intents, everybody would understand that Invitation in a "Feel free to come and stare at the direct proof that this family hates you and loves me for several hours"-way.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
If only there was the slightest chance Vio could actually get her wish of becoming a nun, that I could root for her.
May 17, 2020
@IronVader501 But that's what I'm saying, not only is it out in the open, mj has literally been confronted by the school bullies about how her existence affects Vio socially. The awkwardness of it all doesn't seem to give her pause. She knows.On some level. She just chooses not to think about it.

And since you read the novel (I hate chapter comments devolving into spoiler talk but just this once lol), the scene that really struck me is
when MJ notices how Vio's personal maid makes very precisely portioned and selected breakfasts for Vio and says "yours looks tastier than our breakfast." It's literally a plate of Vio very specific faves and in the portions she likes that the maid has created after years of knowing Vio. It's sick to me.

Are we really supposed to believe mj doesn't have the awareness to see what's in front of her. She's very, very sensitive when it comes to Vio. She knows without being told that Yulan is Vio's fave just like she knew last timeline with the prince. So how is she not able to see what she's confronted with? She's not evil or a white lotus (not entirely anyway), she chooses to live in a protected bubble that her parents helped create for her. I have seen this before irl. I would be sad for her if Vio wasn't constantly being triggered by her careless, hurtful behaviours.

I really believe it's ok to be like mj but not if it hurts someone else.
Nov 4, 2020
@IronVader501 @Ceereus Jesus she sounds horrible, you know what, this bothers me about her and other girls like her in other stories. Ignorance is bliss only to oneself and she ignorantly goes about her day as innocent as she could wile hurting those around her bc she “didn’t mean to”, “didn’t know” or “was trying to help or be nice”. This reminds me of the quote “ The road to hell is paved with good intentions” or “ "Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works". There is a limit to how ignorant or blind you can be to certain situations right in front of you and do nothing to stop it or fix it. Being of low birth and not expose to wealth or high society is no excuse, because it cost nothing to be self aware and know what’s wrong or right. Dang I didn’t mean to rant lol I just felt triggered
Aug 12, 2019
This entire thread is just "Fuck off Princey boi", some spoilers here and there, and a handful of people discussing the characters
May 17, 2020
@lolawhiterabbit Not a rant at all. I love your comment because a lot don't seem to realize that you can't brush aside how mj causes a great deal of hurt for Vio. "She doesn't know better" is not the excuse you think it is because your intentions don't absolve you. Especially when everything is done openly. The only family secret is what Vio's mom did to Vio.

Someone wrote on novelupdates.com and it's the best description of mj's character/role:
basically she just dancing on our MC suffering without a care in the world
Nov 4, 2020
“basically she just dancing on our MC suffering without a care in the world“
That is such a painfully honest description of her and other characters like her in other stories. The thing is, not only are they “blindly” inflicting pain or making things worse but there are no repercussions to their actions instead they are rewarded and praised for their “good intentions” and “kind hearts” 🤮 as of being “kind” is such a rare and holy thing. Even when they are shown the errors of their ways, most of the time they don’t give a sincere apology nor do they reflect on it and change, but instead they give excuses or justify their actions bc “they meant well”. These characters are soo frustrating
May 17, 2020
@lolawhiterabbit And how kind can she be when she doesn't act with any sensitivity/consciousness knowing Vio just lost her mother and wasn't raised at all by her father? People keep arguing she's dense and lacks awareness but these are just the plain facts of Mj's own life: she was the only one raised by the father they shared even while being 2nd born and illegitimate and MJ moved into the ducal house after Vio's mother died. This is just their circumstances. No particular brightness or awareness needed.
Nov 4, 2020
@Ceereus yup their “kindness” is diminished by their insensitivity to the situation. Now they are just antagonizing the other characters w/ their fake kindness. They want to see what benefits them and ignore or pretend the other things aren’t there because it doesn’t benefit them, they don’t gain anything by it or it displeases them. Sugar coating things doesn’t not take aware the bitterness sometimes
May 17, 2020
@lolawhiterabbit It's literally that self-serving when you don't show any care for the other person.

Keep going back to how the father said "you're not alone anymore" to deny Violette's desire to spend one day after school how she would like so that she could do what mj wants instead - as if to say you got to be spoiled before but now you have to share that with mj. If that isn't a wake up call to mj about how unfair their situation is...
Nov 4, 2020
@Ceereus yessss! lol Thank you soo much for indulging me in this conversation, honestly putting down in words my frustration was therapeutic and you brought in points and examples I didn’t think of before.
May 17, 2020
@lolawhiterabbit Likewise. This is one of those stories where the majority of fan comments just don't seem realistic to me. Literally not uncommon to read posts about how Vio is "too resentful to befriend MJ and everything will be fine once she stops resenting mj" and MJ is "too innocent and sheltered to understand the situation"

I really liked this comment of yours because it really says it all:
being “kind” is such a rare and holy thing
Really, mj is the saintess character archetype lol so that's the starting point for some
Nov 4, 2020
@Ceereus yes she is. I would have liked if her character was more than the one dimensional “hero like saint” that we are fed constantly. For me, it would have been so much more interesting if in her mind she would have acknowledged the situation and her reasoning for not standing up for her sister or not being proactive in trying to change the relationship between her father and sister was because of fear of losing her dad’s favor. I know, it’s a weak excuse but no inhuman. Children would do a lot for their parents affections, or to remain in their parents light. I know bc I’ve done things I’m not proud of, I’m not a perfect sister but I’ve worked hard to never make the same mistake again and mend my broken relationships. So if MJ would show anxiety and fear of being mistreated like her sister and that be the reason she doesn’t stand up for her there, yet have guilt about it and so try really hard to befriend her sis and try to show her affection when she’s not in the presence of her parents. That to me would make a better character, I’m not saying that would be right but to me that would add complexity to her and humanize her and it would be exciting watching her grow and change from there. Idk just a thought
Dec 7, 2019
the one thing that matters to me is the retribution that sack of rotting slug vomit of a duke deserves and probably isn't going to get
the rest, I don't actually like any of the characters as actual people that much. which is fine. humanity. flaws. right and wrong is a gray area, and sometimes everyone's wrong.
but the one thing i am sure of is that the sorry excuse for a father needs to get slapped so hard his soul leaves his body and takes shelter in a castrated bat

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