never used the word crime, and a shitty product generally = lose of profit.
me insulting the author's bad decision is throwing a punch? get real, the author chose their profession, an over saturated profession at that, makes shit quality work, and me calling it out and saying that shit isn't worth money isn't callous.
here think of it this way, why is the editing process a thing? because often time authors make works (art and literature both) that need refinement and/or are just plain bad. is that callous? no it's part of the process in which to sell their works as a product. now how is my criticism any different? because I'm being blunt with my word choice? boohoo, cry me a river. I'm saying that this chapter in specific is worthless, and that the author shouldn't make any profit off it.
now is my ignoring that part of their comment's callous of me? maybe i could give you that, but it's not sociopathic. these people are not the author, them bashing me at all IS THEM throwing the first punch. welcome to group think my dude, where if one person has a dissenting opinion that makes it OK to dog pile and tell me to shut up. (in hind sight it seems only 1 person meant their comment as an legit no satire/trolol insult, but i'm going to keep using they as that was how it seemed to me at the time.)
and you my foolish non-friend are a band-wagoner, not quite sure which parts of my comments shuffled your jimmies but guess what, you're no better than a white knight riding in to 'save the day'. lol
btw, you need to look up the definition of sociopath. and stop jumping to conclusions about what my intentions are.