I Turned off the Pain Perception Setting! - Ch. 14

Aug 12, 2018
In the year 6565
Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife
You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2020
The world she lives in sucks, but at the same time, I'm a bit annoyed that she's nearly at the top of the pack and she's still whining because she got sick (though I suppose when the odds are 1/1000, anyone would be bitter).
Like she's playing a life-like VR game where she lives the life of a slave in a war-torn country constantly, seemingly not doing any work, from her highrise luxury apartment whilst looking down at all the mindless lesser plebs... there just seems to be no meditation on how lucky she is in other ways. Every time she's out of her pod, she's all "woe is me", whilst sipping on her latte likely while resting a designer chair.

Also, how could her society even exist while making media such as that VR game? Surely seeing unfair societal structures such as slavery, and it looks like they're depicted badly, and it places you in the shoes of said enslaved person, would make the audience go; "wow, maybe we shouldn't literally create an underclass of people and literal slaves", but apparently the people in her world are that media illiterate or non-meditative?

Anyway, I'm enjoying it so far, but the sections with the "real world" rub me the wrong way. I'd prefer it if we had this very serious melodramatic story, only for the curtain to drop and show us the MC is actually just some goofball larping and taking photos of all the cool characters, rather than the hero they imagine.

That "woe is me" killed me lmao 🤣 agreee Well.. its understandable 3 months... to live that sucks

Well what's clear is she can't have all the treats in the world
Dex-chan lover
Oct 18, 2019
The game title is a little in your face... other than that this seems interesting enough, glad I found it
Dex-chan lover
Apr 27, 2018
What I find interesting is that even though she's a Zone B resident, her life expectancy is a mere 55 years. FIFTY-FIVE! People in our world live almost twice as long as that and we're not some super futuristic civilization. From the sounds of it, this world of hers is practically dying as it is. Nobody likes their life, everyone is a slave, there's no such thing as families, so on and so forth.
Well, you know. The rationale is probably that that's around when people start retiring. If you don't mind treating people like equipment in the first place you might as well dispose of them when they're no longer useful.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2021
I think I just realized something interesting. The game she is playing is called "Raison D'être", which basically means "my reason to live". If I were to suppose that she was conditioned or otherwise taught not to think of overthrowing the upper class, then perhaps this game could be giving her the willpower to do so? (In other words, the game is giving her a "raison d'être"?). That would be an incredible twist.

Additionally, I'm noticing a connection between our protagonist and their game character. Both of them seem to have painful chronic disabilities that could give them the ability to move mountains, but they are fated to an early death. This story is actually getting more interesting than I initially thought.

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