I Was the Final Boss - Ch. 83

Jul 24, 2020
...no..he legit continued doing what the first dude did to him and he also killed all those kids for no reason.. he better still die.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 26, 2020
Loki: "I don't see where I'm losing you. Watched my mother get fucked by a cult, took revenge on the cult in a mass slaughter, found myself taking pleasure in the destruction of false prophets... and then made a massive cult following where I myself am a false prophet of miracles so as to further perpetuate the thing I hate"
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
Idk if i have short term memory but why is he the apostle of lust? Only thing hes related to lust is 1, his mother got raped. 2, he got twin familiars with his mother's appearance which he havent shown any lust to. 3, he had sex like a normal person. ig 4 hes from a cult that has sex as a program and that made him make another cult with a sex program... Id say if youre an apostle of lust, youd have to like have sex constantly and sex or rape 666 women and its not once per woman or hes into all kinds of fetish even ones where hes the one getting done.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
...no..he legit continued doing what the first dude did to him and he also killed all those kids for no reason.. he better still die.
His logic for killing everyone, including the children, is bullshit but at least consistent and makes sense, it's not just generic evil or out of sadism, we can understand and sympathize with all the suffering he went through, doesn't change the fact that he has to die.
Idk if i have short term memory but why is he the apostle of lust? Only thing hes related to lust is 1, his mother got raped. 2, he got twin familiars with his mother's appearance which he havent shown any lust to. 3, he had sex like a normal person. ig 4 hes from a cult that has sex as a program and that made him make another cult with a sex program... Id say if youre an apostle of lust, youd have to like have sex constantly and sex or rape 666 women and its not once per woman or hes into all kinds of fetish even ones where hes the one getting done.
From what I know:
Greed - desire to own it
Gluttony - desire to consume it
Lust - desire for it

Although lust is commonly used in a sexual sense, it can also simply be the intense desire for something, not necessarily something sinful, example, lust for power or knowledge, reason it's not the same as greed is because greed is desire to own it just for the sake of owning it, as in material things, while lust is more abstract and you might not end up with something.

So it actually makes sense he's the Apostle of Lust, we can see that he's completely broken, no purpose or reason to live, no dreams, barely feeling alive, just doing whatever and going through the motions, the one thing that made he feel anything again? See other people lose their faith in God and fall into despair just like he did, it might have some sexual side to it from his expression, but I would argue it's not inherently sexual why he is lust.

One could argue his lust is for revenge, maybe against God or just faith in general, though in my opinion it's clear the reason he started his own cult is just to break other people like he was broken, to see their look of betrayal in their eyes when they realize all was a lie.

Sometimes you need to take other meanings of the sins to make sense of the story, example, sloth, it's not necessarily as in being lazy and such, but can also be morally, as in always taking the easy way instead of doing the right thing.
At least that's my logic in interpreting why he's the Apostle of Lust :thonk:
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
His logic for killing everyone, including the children, is bullshit but at least consistent and makes sense, it's not just generic evil or out of sadism, we can understand and sympathize with all the suffering he went through, doesn't change the fact that he has to die.

From what I know:
Greed - desire to own it
Gluttony - desire to consume it
Lust - desire for it

Although lust is commonly used in a sexual sense, it can also simply be the intense desire for something, not necessarily something sinful, example, lust for power or knowledge, reason it's not the same as greed is because greed is desire to own it just for the sake of owning it, as in material things, while lust is more abstract and you might not end up with something.

So it actually makes sense he's the Apostle of Lust, we can see that he's completely broken, no purpose or reason to live, no dreams, barely feeling alive, just doing whatever and going through the motions, the one thing that made he feel anything again? See other people lose their faith in God and fall into despair just like he did, it might have some sexual side to it from his expression, but I would argue it's not inherently sexual why he is lust.

One could argue his lust is for revenge, maybe against God or just faith in general, though in my opinion it's clear the reason he started his own cult is just to break other people like he was broken, to see their look of betrayal in their eyes when they realize all was a lie.

Sometimes you need to take other meanings of the sins to make sense of the story, example, sloth, it's not necessarily as in being lazy and such, but can also be morally, as in always taking the easy way instead of doing the right thing.
At least that's my logic in interpreting why he's the Apostle of Lust :thonk:
Thanks for the cool thoughts. I have always thought that greed was the base of all the other sins but wrath or something. Now i can see the contextual difference. So his shtick is pure desire... hard to comprehend honestly.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Rant incoming
Thanks for the cool thoughts. I have always thought that greed was the base of all the other sins but wrath or something. Now i can see the contextual difference. So his shtick is pure desire... hard to comprehend honestly.
Well, it depends a little on how you interpret the seven deadly sins and what you use as your frame of reference, if it's like Bible or some other religious texts, you could probably argue all sins have the same base, but they're reflected in different ways.

If you try take a more wide interpretation of sins, I would argue they're all based on desire and pleasure as a whole, but taken to a level that overwhelm everything else, even to the detriment of the person well-being.

I say desire and pleasure because they probably walk hand-in-hand when it comes to the seven deadly sins, you don't just desire something, but also take pleasure from it, indulgently, overwhelmingly, you wallow on it even if it is something you know is completely negative.

In order of increasing severity.

Lust (Luxuria) - intense and unbridled desire for something, sexually is the most common form, but it can be anything, money, power, knowledge, it's not necessarily about owning or even consuming it, you simply want it above all else.

Gluttony (Gula) - intensive desire to consume something, overindulge on it, overconsume to the point of being wasteful, food is the most common form, but it can have other forms, like videogames, watching sports, compulsive purchasing, anything you can overindulge in its consumption.

Greed (Avaritia) - intense desire to own something, normally it's about riches, money, jewels, gold, anything with monetary value, but it can be anything you consider valuable enough to own, the point of greed is that  you own it, it's  yours, whatever you get from Lust and Greed can be shared, but Greed is selfish, it's all yours and only yours, be it money, power, knowledge, no purpose besides hoarding what you see as valuable.

Sloth (Acedia) - probably the sin with the widest scope, you could even interpret it as a lack of desire, in it's most basic form you can see it as just laziness taken too far, but it can be emotionally, socially, intellectually, socially, with spiritually being its worst form, you simply want to avoid any hard work, any commitment, you revel in the fact that you can take the easy way of things while others do it the hard way,or you don't really care, you desire to do bare minimum possible in whatever aspect you choose or avoid having to do certain things even when you know you should.

Wrath (Ira) - intense or even uncontrollable feelings of anger, rage or hatred, to the point of revenge or even directing it at the innocent, the thing with Wrath is that it goes to the point where you desire harm to the person, it goes beyond any reasonable thought, you simply can't control it, take pleasure of the idea of seeing the person suffering, but it can also be at things, at concepts, feelings, whatever it is, you simply can't accept they exist, their existence in itself is an affront to you, and you desire nothing moe than to see it gone and take pleasure at doing that.

Envy (Invidia) - intensive desire for something someone else has, unlike some people say, jealously is not necessarily negative, because it should make you strive to be better, you're jealous of a car someone bought? You work hard to get it too, Envy meanwhile is spiteful, bitter, angry, you don't just want what the person want, you want them to lose what they have, as usual material is the most common form, but it can be anything, a good family, beauty, health, having what they have isn't enough, they need to suffer for daring to have what you wanted.

Pride (Superbia) - the original worst of all, the mother of all sins, inflated self steem and narcissism is its most common form, but it can be for other things, you have the best car, the biggest house, the most beautiful wife, the smartest children, it's not enough that you know you're better, you desire to be acknowledged as better, you take pleasure in knowing nobody can ever get at your level, nobody can prove you're wrong.

Vanity (Vanagloria) was originally a separate sin, but it was merged with Pride since they're too similar, and if you go by some religion sects, Despair (Tristitia) is the eighth and actual worst deadly sin, it's not just about feeling despair, you completely embrace it, you reject any and all hope, completely stop trying to strive to be better in any way, some could see it as the logical extreme of Sloth and the opposite of Pride, but one big thing about Despair as a sin is that by rejecting any hope you're also rejecting God, unlike the other deadly sins which you can arguably take by themselves without religious context, Despair is explicitly connected to abandoning hope and salvation in God, it's the only unforgivable sin, supposedly Despair is the actual reason why some see suicide as a sin, it's not due to suicide in itself, but because you completely gave up on believing in hope and in being saved by God.

I would argue against Despair being a sin due to the religious nature, all other form of sins are related to a form of desire, of seeking pleasure, you actively seek them, turn it into a form of hedonism, while for someome to truly fall into Depair it would be so divorced from desire and pleasure as to be completely alien to the other sins.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
Rant incoming

Well, it depends a little on how you interpret the seven deadly sins and what you use as your frame of reference, if it's like Bible or some other religious texts, you could probably argue all sins have the same base, but they're reflected in different ways.

If you try take a more wide interpretation of sins, I would argue they're all based on desire and pleasure as a whole, but taken to a level that overwhelm everything else, even to the detriment of the person well-being.

I say desire and pleasure because they probably walk hand-in-hand when it comes to the seven deadly sins, you don't just desire something, but also take pleasure from it, indulgently, overwhelmingly, you wallow on it even if it is something you know is completely negative.

In order of increasing severity.

Lust (Luxuria) - intense and unbridled desire for something, sexually is the most common form, but it can be anything, money, power, knowledge, it's not necessarily about owning or even consuming it, you simply want it above all else.

Gluttony (Gula) - intensive desire to consume something, overindulge on it, overconsume to the point of being wasteful, food is the most common form, but it can have other forms, like videogames, watching sports, compulsive purchasing, anything you can overindulge in its consumption.

Greed (Avaritia) - intense desire to own something, normally it's about riches, money, jewels, gold, anything with monetary value, but it can be anything you consider valuable enough to own, the point of greed is that  you own it, it's  yours, whatever you get from Lust and Greed can be shared, but Greed is selfish, it's all yours and only yours, be it money, power, knowledge, no purpose besides hoarding what you see as valuable.

Sloth (Acedia) - probably the sin with the widest scope, you could even interpret it as a lack of desire, in it's most basic form you can see it as just laziness taken too far, but it can be emotionally, socially, intellectually, socially, with spiritually being its worst form, you simply want to avoid any hard work, any commitment, you revel in the fact that you can take the easy way of things while others do it the hard way,or you don't really care, you desire to do bare minimum possible in whatever aspect you choose or avoid having to do certain things even when you know you should.

Wrath (Ira) - intense or even uncontrollable feelings of anger, rage or hatred, to the point of revenge or even directing it at the innocent, the thing with Wrath is that it goes to the point where you desire harm to the person, it goes beyond any reasonable thought, you simply can't control it, take pleasure of the idea of seeing the person suffering, but it can also be at things, at concepts, feelings, whatever it is, you simply can't accept they exist, their existence in itself is an affront to you, and you desire nothing moe than to see it gone and take pleasure at doing that.

Envy (Invidia) - intensive desire for something someone else has, unlike some people say, jealously is not necessarily negative, because it should make you strive to be better, you're jealous of a car someone bought? You work hard to get it too, Envy meanwhile is spiteful, bitter, angry, you don't just want what the person want, you want them to lose what they have, as usual material is the most common form, but it can be anything, a good family, beauty, health, having what they have isn't enough, they need to suffer for daring to have what you wanted.

Pride (Superbia) - the original worst of all, the mother of all sins, inflated self steem and narcissism is its most common form, but it can be for other things, you have the best car, the biggest house, the most beautiful wife, the smartest children, it's not enough that you know you're better, you desire to be acknowledged as better, you take pleasure in knowing nobody can ever get at your level, nobody can prove you're wrong.

Vanity (Vanagloria) was originally a separate sin, but it was merged with Pride since they're too similar, and if you go by some religion sects, Despair (Tristitia) is the eighth and actual worst deadly sin, it's not just about feeling despair, you completely embrace it, you reject any and all hope, completely stop trying to strive to be better in any way, some could see it as the logical extreme of Sloth and the opposite of Pride, but one big thing about Despair as a sin is that by rejecting any hope you're also rejecting God, unlike the other deadly sins which you can arguably take by themselves without religious context, Despair is explicitly connected to abandoning hope and salvation in God, it's the only unforgivable sin, supposedly Despair is the actual reason why some see suicide as a sin, it's not due to suicide in itself, but because you completely gave up on believing in hope and in being saved by God.

I would argue against Despair being a sin due to the religious nature, all other form of sins are related to a form of desire, of seeking pleasure, you actively seek them, turn it into a form of hedonism, while for someome to truly fall into Depair it would be so divorced from desire and pleasure as to be completely alien to the other sins.
Damn, you perfectly described me with sloth and despair with the "embracing the rejection of hope including god's grace" but been fixing that lately tho. Also, i can never remember envy and pride being a sin.

Hm, sins as a personality test is pretty cool. Im really curious what you think your most familiar and distant sins are for someone who have such a solid thought on it.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Damn, you perfectly described me with sloth and despair with the "embracing the rejection of hope including god's grace" but been fixing that lately tho. Also, i can never remember envy and pride being a sin.
Meh, hope is overrated anyway, can't get disappointed if you never have expectations, hopes or dreams :meguusmug:
Hm, sins as a personality test is pretty cool. Im really curious what you think your most familiar and distant sins are for someone who have such a solid thought on it.
I dabble a little :dogkek:
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
So.. did they just stand there & experience the flashback until the mission change from "eliminate" to "free"?

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