I, Who Possessed a Trash Skill "Thermal Operator," Became Unrivaled - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Talent Appraisal

Aggregator gang
May 24, 2019
@jimmyclear that's because there are more op people than him lol(for now). Level 5s are few, a guy that kills you instantly if they say die(like the MC of instant death), a man that can grow big af and destroy mountains with a stomp, a man who can control fucking time etc.
MC's power is exactly as you described. They only ranked him level 1 because he has so much potential and they don't want other countries/ a certain organization to learn of his power and to control his powers because they don't want a guy who can literally destroy Earth to not be able to control his powers

Levels are ranked based on the power they can dish out. I don't remember that much but level 3 equals 1 nuke, level 4 equals 10 or so nukes and level 5 are 100 or so nukes if I remember correctly
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
Well let’s hope his ability to regulate temperature is better than a microwave
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
Stories like these need to be about more than the powers of the MC turning out to be strong or they grow stale after a couple dozen chapters.

All the great OP MC's have other stuff as the main story after all. I mean even Goku's story is about more than Goku wrecking shit with his awesome powers.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2018
i bet this author has no clue what Absolute Zero is besides its very cold, and has no clue on just how nearly impossible that is, and what it brings.

Absolute Zero... sigh... nothing and i mean nothing can survive absolute zero. The endothermic reaction that would result from it would wreck anything.
Absolute Zero... this is in the same class and league as Zero Point Energy, which is far more dangerous then a nuke.
Just to note as you go lower, its a function of LOG, hence it can go onto nearly infinity basically.
That's right INFINITY.

I dont see how anyone is more stronger then him if this guy can control Absolute Zero.
I swear idiot authors should learn a bit more about physics before they try to incorporate it.
If he truely has the ability to make Absolute Zero, no... none of what u listed is more powerful then that, even time control, as its a function of gravity.
Absolute Zero is basically breaking Physics and wrecking all rules of Thermodynamics.
Aggregator gang
Oct 1, 2018
MC power is actually OP... it have no limit on the amount of heat he can control... later on during his training he actually create a nuke by compressing the heat and release it, ended up blowing some mountains near it.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2018
*facepalm* ok im gonna have to read the WN....
If that's the authors explanation of "Nuke" then im gonna call it and say he's an idiot.

Just to note, even Tatsuya from Mahuoka can not do a true nuke, and the author does not even call it one either.
Aggregator gang
Oct 1, 2018
Im saying it from my memories lol, I haven't read the WN in ages so I might wrong on the nuke thingy..
What I'm trying to say is the effect of his power radius is like a nuke exploded.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
i'm surprised how shit he's being treated, he's a guy with super powers, they got to be rare to begin with so maybe treat him a bit better before another nation or company picks him up. also his ability can be used for lots of things, why did they let an idiot do the evaluation for him?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019

Level 3 people are War Potential. Front line fighters that are not too awesome, but can hold a fight.

Level 2 people are better than appliances.

Level 1 people are... "People who are not acknowledged as useful even though supernatural Talents have manifested". I can't say it nicer than that.

But yes, when you have a guy whose a Thermo-Controller, send him/her on the "Zero to Hero" path. But boy oh boy, Serizawa has a low boiling point.

However, our doc that read him, was a Disease Operator, Level 3. The words she shot at him were full of fear. She knew the ability and lied about his potential. But thanks to this, he's on the path that is needed, not wanted. If wanted, the world will bend to his will. He's classed as a Level 6 "World Threat". He can turn the entire planet either into a flaming ball of fire or a frozen tundra worse than Antarctica.
Aggregator gang
May 24, 2019
@aigomorla he is the most overpowered person. He can potentially destroy the world if he grows strong enough. MC still can't control lower temperatures tho so just be satisfied with MC burning everything in a kilometer radius or more.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019

Our doc that read him, was a Disease Operator, Level 3. The words she shot at him were full of fear. She knew the ability and lied about his potential. She was 10 years old when she was first sent to the battlefields, because of that, it scarred her deep.

But thanks to this, he's on the path that is needed, not wanted. If wanted, the world will bend to his will. He's classed as a Level 6 "World Threat". He can turn the entire planet either into a flaming ball of fire or a frozen tundra worse than Antarctica.


Absolute Zero situations have been achieved and have proven useful in keeping objects suspended in mid-air. Basic science behind it is if you froze all your electrons that are needed to keep you warm, then it would be a flash freeze. But if you keep those electrons frozen, it would look like a person is floating.

And ZPE is more than dangerous. Everything around us relies on thermo-reactions. Couple of lost physics have taught some of us how awesome and deadly it is. There was one sistuation that has been massively covered up and told "It was a meteor strike". The Tunguska Event. We can thank Nikola Tesla for accidentally doing that. It was like 5 nuclear bombs going off at the same time, and the only evidence we have publicly is a "Streak of blue light. Followed by the sound of artillery fire and a giant heat wave."
Apr 20, 2018
@Nox161 saying reaching absolute zero is breaking the laws of physics is absolutely correct. I don't know why you call it pretend knowledge.

The moment I saw thermal control ability get called trash I know the story is most likely absolute trash. Anyone would immediately know energy is most commonly measured in term of heat so to assume the readers not to know it is a new dumb level, even for an isekai.

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