@superbaby Given the tools you have right now, and your daily release pace, there's nothing wrong with your edition. You really made a lemonade with that lemon.
The translation was clear and polished, and it flowed neatly. That's what matters.
When you catch up, get a laptop, install Photoshop, and have the whole week to work on a chapter, then I can give you some typesetting tips (like that last screen in perspective, the one you typeset as notes; I can teach you how to make that look exactly like the original). I'm sure other people will be willing to help you out, too.
@Lithe, I doubt it. If anything, the next chapter will show how everything is ruined because of his poor conversational skills and self-centeredness. Then he'll begin the
downward spiral, as he loses audience and realises netizens' feelings tend to be shallow and guided by how much they are entertained.
I'm relieved he hasn't been subjected to virtual humiliation/embarrassment so far, but I'm pretty sure that's what's gonna happen and damn, I cringe just from thinking of it.