@LordTrollbias The eleventh. Three more deaths to go, including the final one after which the punishment will be over and his fate will be decided, presumably.
I'm not sure Death's only laughing at the fact he's reincarnated as a tramp. My guess is that perhaps the criminal survived and she's laughing at the irony.
Other than that, I can see how Ijae doesn't give a damn about begin a beggar. He's already died by drowning (considered one of the worst ways to die) and by torture. He's had plenty of pointless deaths, and he's already died of illness. Scrounging for a few days and dying in a kerb will probably teach him a kind of solitude and humiliation that will put in perspective the life that led him to commit suicide, but at this point it kinda falls flat because I'm pretty sure he no longer has the same mindset he used to in his original body. I don't think Death is trying to teach him something about life, either.
I'm not sure what time of the year it is, but if it's late fall, perhaps he'll die of hypothermia in the first snow.
Though he's by no means lived the whole gamut of Korean existence, other than a woman or a very old person, I doubt there's much that will show Ijae a new perspective at this point.