I think you can wait to do any improvements on the translation and edition process for after you get a PC or decent laptop. Just to think that you're using a virtual keyboard and mouse on MS Paint makes me feel mightily impressed at your effort.
I think the notes are fine, I also love lengthy notes when I'm translating (from Japanese). So long as you keep them outside the panels and small, I don't think anyone will care much. But I think you could have explained a little more in detail why "companionship" and the Jeong Woo are a pun, just putting the Korean characters doesn't help me, who doesn't understand hangul. But that's a minor thing.
In terms of the typesetting itself, I don't see any problems with your font choice. Your font for notes could be a little more legible, something without Serifs (I use Trebuchet, among others), but the fonts you use for speech and thoughts are perfectly fine. Not my favourites, but they have to reflect your tastes, not mine: suffice that they are legible, consistent and good for comics. (That is, not too formal.)