Thanks for the chapter!
Granted he was joking about asking her if was a guild request or personal request but she could've taken being hit on badly. Then again she was smiling a lot when describing the request.
Hope he looked up slimes and how to identify and kill them. Some slimes are immune to physicals damage and can only be killed with magic. Others have an elemental factor which means striking with the element usually matching their color either does zero damage or boosts them, while opposing element does extra damage. Also, some slimes will just keep regenerating or pulling themselves back together unless take out their core along with others having acidic properties like spitting acid or being partially made of acid so anything that touches them dissolves to a degree. Like human flesh will immediately burn and take damage while metal will take a lot longer but can accumulate a lot if facing multiple slimes or if left untreated the acid will eventually damage and break the weapon.