I Will Live Freely in Another World with Equipment Manufacturing Cheat - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.2

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
@SunSun Uh...no, still exactly like I described. He took half of the overall reward before it was divided however many ways, which is the same as dividing it amongst all the party members, then taking half out of their assorted shares.

It's mathematically the same thing as taking half of her share either way. He also took half of everyone else's share, but I just didn't focus on that part since the focus is on how she's also a victim.
Nov 23, 2018
The archer in the party also got short-changed by Bray taking half of his pay too. I would imagine he'd be upset as well.
Seriously, why is Bray the leader? Like Iginis said, they're always sleeping in the stables and they seem to always be in financial straits. Iginis may sound bitchy, but she's got a point. I think that girl Frey and her family's bakery is what's really dragging the party down. Whatever money the party makes, it seems a large chunk of it goes to that bakery.
That's like saying your boss is using half of your paycheck for a charity and saying, "It's all for a good cause. You understand, right?"
No. If it costs you your livelihood and means of survival, then it's not acceptable.
Nov 23, 2018
To be perfectly honest, I could understand why Iginis is so angry, if that leader Bray is the cause. It sounds like this wasn't the first time that she got short-changed.
I re-read ch.9 and Iginis always complained that they slept in the stables. It's because they never made enough money for even a cheap inn. Where was that money they earned? And she did complain about the girl's parent's bakery and that Bray was always defending her. Well, ch.10 clinches it. He's been using their hard-earned money to support that bakery. He's practically taking the money they earned and putting it into an investment that won't benefit the party except earn some points with his relationship with Frey.
If I were Iginis and that archer, I would have quit that party a long time ago. It doesn't make sense to put in 100% effort, only to get 50% or less in results.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
@Animeaddiction No yeah, Bray is a terrible party leader-assuming he's the leader. In corporate terms, he's basically embezzling money to give to his friends. Giving away money that's not yours is frankly just scummy.
Not to say Ignis is a good person since she advocated attacking and mugging the MC, but her anger at him was certainly justified.
Nov 23, 2018
I think she was speaking out of anger at the time. Considering Bray's poor money-management and the party being forced to sleep in stables due to his ineptitude, you can't really blame her for insulting him and Frey. I wouldn't be surprised that this wasn't the first time she got cheated out of a decent payday due to Bray being soft in the head over Frey.
Remember that Iginis did tell Touji to save himself instead of trying to save her, so that's something.
Group Leader
Dec 3, 2019
For those who think Iginis or Igneal as she is referred to in the Light Novel, is a bitchy and self-centered person...

There is a good reason why she's like that. In the light novel, she's had to deal with Bray's incompetence as a party leader and not being able to rank up as adventurers. They're barely D-Class and they haven't ranked up in a long time. Technically speaking, they SHOULD be making enough money to afford sleeping at an inn. Unfortunately, guess where most of that money is going to? That's right, either it goes to Frey's family bakery, or they botch the quests so badly under Bray's leadership that the rewards are lower. In fact, after Iginis leaves the party, Bray's team suffers a lot due to the lack of 'fire' power, literally. They can't take higher-paying jobs like monster-hunting. Bray even tries to get Iginis to rejoin the team, but she refuses because she knows they'll drag her rank down and she'll get the short-end of the stick when it comes to her paycheck. She doesn't officially join with Touji's team but she does partner up with them every now and then.
Nov 23, 2018
More than you know.
They actually offered Ignis some free bread from Frey's parent's bakery for her to rejoin the group. Not only is that an insult since that bakery is one of the reasons why Ignis left the group, but she doesn't even like that shop's bread!
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 9, 2018
Thanks for the update, please continue translating this manga really love it. Thank you translators can’t wait for the next update.
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
never thought that she was a egoist or bitch because thats not what was shown
till now she is a forcefull if not violent hubristic extrovert maybe a bit choleric and a realist
i would have quit that party too the party lead isn't that good (he is bad tbh and his people skills are worse), yet he still had the stones to embezzle 50% of the group income.... i would have sued his ass after the collection peak incident not realy to gain something just to make it known to the other adventurers, because he may look ok but those are the actions of a self centered entitled abuser...

what i dont understand is the mc going on about karma... she maybe annoying and loud but that shouldnt be enough karmic debt for her to be nearly raped killed and eaten by orcs...
shame on you author... if you go by that logic half the worlds population deserves just as much or worse
Group Leader
Dec 3, 2019
Keep in mind that the morals in this world aren't like ours. The strong take down the weak and there's no court or law-enforcement to protect the weak. Ignis or Igneal in the LN decided to take a more practical approach and just take what she can get. It's tough to survive in this world.
The LN is free for the first two volumes, at least until 1/31/2021. I read them and got a little more background.
Ignis was a former C-class adventurer, but due to joining Bray's team and his leadership blunders, she got demoted to D-class and hadn't been able to rank back up until after she left the team and started doing quests with Touji.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
What a fucking asshole. Wanna donate your money, fine, but dont you dare touch someone else's reward.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2020
Thanks for the chapter! It's sickening that the publisher releases only part of a chapter a month... -_-
It depends on where those chapter sections are released too. When there are long chapters like in this story, it makes sense to break the chapters up in an anthology manga magazine. Otherwise, the overly long story would take away page count from other manga authors that also need to be published in that magazine.

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