I Woke up as the Ugly Duckling - Ch. 3

Oct 25, 2019
I feel cheated.... Didn't the original sylvia ate her out for being heartbroken? Where's the exercise montage? How will she explain this to the rest of the family?
Active member
Mar 25, 2020
World's top dietitians HATE HER! Figure out how to lose weight so fast, it's almost like it's melting from your body!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
With the new Elemental Weight Loss System losing stubborn body fat is a breeze. Watch that fat melt away! Literally
Aug 22, 2019
She used the breath of the sun and lost weight after entering the transparent world.
Oct 28, 2020
I wonder~😼
If her lil sis is a thot, then how will she take care of her? She's a lil sis... So......
Oct 28, 2020
I knEW it!!!! At first I tought shell exercise alone during her isolation or punishment. Heh heh heh, didn't know there's an easy way🤭
This transformation will be kept a secret until she performs her show(somehow, it reminds me of the lady plan to survive) 🤔
May 19, 2020
This: "You are sooooo ugly cos you are fat" - Storys are just stupid.
I mean, after reading the story you can see, that the dc was not loved even when beeing thin. Therefore she was even then 'ugly'. But now, after getting her fat melted down she will be beautyfull? Really?
I'm sure that it will be cos of de mc's character, but cos they had to make her fat, you will never thing that its cos of the mc's accomplishments...
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
OH COME ON. This author just wasted a potential 20-30 chapters worth of GOOD story for an asspull like this. We could have had her time in the annex spent working on her self, refining her posture and appearance, exercising, building relations with the people of the house, the servants, and eventually her siblings all while using her physical transformation and weight loss as a metaphor for her mental transformation.

Where the fuck is the story going to go now? You just took one word out of the title within 3 chapters.
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
Just a personal thing, I just wished it wasn't magic thing that caused her to lose weight. Idk could've been great character building and personal growth as she's more focused on her self and tired of being "the bad/ugly person". Also, I'm just tired of these magic weight loss that you get when a character doesn't have the socially acceptable body type, the weight was more of a plot device for the aesthetics than actually trying to portray wanting to lead a healthier lifestyle which should be the goal of weight loss inb4 buh itz fantasy. Right. At least there's still I'll Save this Damn Family.

Anyways, it's a personal nitpick. I still like these stories so I'm definitely on for the ride and exited to see the other array of characters she's to meet from the synopsis.
Mar 9, 2019
Honestly, i think only "I'll save that damn family" show a correct weight loss routine. You see the heroine struggling to lose weight, and developing healthy habits. I really hate the magical weightloss, since it throws away character develpoment for the FL and any related person witnessing the change. This is gonna go from "lol u fat" to "u rly pretty marry me". Might read the next one, but good chance this will be dropped.

Even a timeskip would have been better.

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