If You're Gonna Dress Up, Do It Like This - Vol. 2 Ch. 15

Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2018
Oh boy, these siblings are basically married, now they're having that discussion about money that married couples do. Still, she's right: designer clothing is way too frivolous of a thing to dip into your savings for (normally), it's best to keep that money for a real emergency. It's also good not to let a new hobby make you reckless with your paycheck.
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
Page 2 is literally me every time and why I have a love-hate relationship with online shopping. Because my packages always gets delivered midday while I'm still at work, and they get sent to the post office (or I'm home and they don't bother waiting for me while I run to the door after they ring the doorbell/or not even bothering to ring the bell at all before driving away)...Which I then have to go to the trouble of traveling far way to retrieve at the post office, taking time out of my day to stand in line; defeating the entire purpose of shipping it to my home in the first place which I paid for.

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