Ijimeru Aitsu ga Waruinoka, Ijimerareta Boku ga Waruinoka? - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Heredity

Double-page supporter
Dec 17, 2018
I don't think Teach is the bully. But he has the experience of being a victim to know that from then on, shit is only going to get worse.
And until she asks for help, I doubt he will offer it unless he can get past his resentment towards her father.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
Pretty sure the black haired girl is doing it and sensei is just watching while inflicting psychological damage by pretending to help.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2020
My guess is the teacher makes Shiori go through all those painful experiences so she'll thoroughly despise bullies and then reveal what her father did, so she would rat him out. Just my two cents.
Sep 3, 2020
@greatninja3 Genetics is taught though in my high school human genetics were limited to learning about things like genetic disorders, lineage, and inoffensively genetically variable traits like height or hair color. Looking at things like character traits or behavioral patterns like what this chapter touched on isn't done in American schools, even in AP psych classes IME.
Basically the variation in human behavior being even partially caused by genetic factors is a taboo subject here and in much of the West despite there being so much research on it.
Anyway that's pretty off topic, I think the teacher was just bringing it up to make the girl feel horrible when she inevitably finds out about the stuff her dad did.
Sep 4, 2020
ye ikr sometimees shts can be shts like
ur bestfriend doesnt even ganna help u single bit why? bc they are scared they might become the vicctim too and there is possiblity that they are one of the culpits too
Sep 2, 2020
Im pretty sure the MC isnt the one doing it but just wants to make the girl think "Why didnt I reach out to him from the beggining" or anything that makes her blame herself.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@maninthemoon2 does science class in America not teach genetics it’s usually taught with in biology class Kinda weird cause they teach that here so idk why you consider that red pilled.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2019
@kalmyk501 ETHICCs teacher wouldn't let this shit fly. Hell, the girl's father would probably be finessed as well if he were around.
Group Leader
Sep 26, 2018
@maninthemoon2 At my high school they taught that in the normal honors level psych class, and I wasn't at a prestigious private school either, just your typical public school. I would be really surprised if they don't mention that in AP psych especially, considering it's a well-known and basic topic in relation to determining your personality, and AP is supposed to be standard across the country with a level of education higher than what the normal classes would provide you with. As for the specifics of genetics you talked about, that was stuff from middle school biology.

There's not really too much of a taboo on variation within human behavior based on genetics either, coming from someone with first hand experience in psych and genetics, and also others I know who are more focused on the genetics aspect. Both at an academic level and social level, with and without those in the field being involved in either
Feb 12, 2019
I'm still confused what the mc will do if he know
that even her father bully her by molesting her
Sep 3, 2020
@Fish_Food Hmm well it has been a while since I went to high school, maybe things are different when/where you went or perhaps I'm misremembering things.
I went to one of those middle schools where they had to tiptoe around even talking about evolution so I unsurprisingly wasn't taught any of that stuff in school then, but I also think I would have remembered learning about the heritability of mental traits in honors hs biology if I had.
Eh, I bet there's a lot of stuff I've forgotten since those days anyway. Thanks for the insight!
Aug 28, 2020
Naaaah Teacher was not behind it but rather he's thinking or observing if the FMC will end up just like him. If the FMC will have the courage to face it since the teacher was not courage enough when he was being bullied.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
@ maninthemoon2
While evolution is sometimes a topic that gets tip toed on based on where you go to school, the concept of hereditary shouldn’t be. I’m sure at some point in school, you must have learned about the punnett square. Granted, personality being hereditary might not have been taught that sort of makes sense, its sort of a concept that is hard to swallow for certain people (note: not taking about AP classes). Also, considering the fact that someone asked the question, the teacher probably didn’t intend to teach on the subject but it sort of just happened cause someone was curious.
Jan 5, 2020
@Clone_Nero that's definitely what I got to. He comes off as understanding, but is totally willing to watch her burn to the ground because of her parents. At least that's what I got.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
So I want to point out something for a bit, call me butthurt if you will but this really irked me while I was reading. Author got the research wrong. First off, it's not a blanket 50% of your personality in your genetics, secondly even in that we find a lot of variation between genetics and personality traits.

"Scientists estimate that 20 to 60 percent of temperament is determined by genetics. Temperament, however, does not have a clear pattern of inheritance and there are not specific genes that confer specific temperamental traits. Instead, many (perhaps thousands) of common gene variations (polymorphisms) combine to influence individual characteristics of temperament. Other DNA modifications that do not alter DNA sequences (epigenetic changes) also likely contribute to temperament."

The author is also literally contradicting the research by saying home environment doesn't play a large roll.

"Environmental factors also play a role in temperament by influencing gene activity. In children raised in an adverse environment (such as one of child abuse and violence), genes that increase the risk of impulsive temperamental characteristics may be turned on (activated). However, a child who grows up in a positive environment (for example a safe and loving home) may have a calmer temperament, in part because a different set of genes is activated"

I get the author is trying something, because he used the daughter as an example of someone who ISN'T the same as her dad to act as a counter to the argument (if this is completely true then she should be a bully too), but he still shouldn't skew data for a plot point.
Aug 18, 2020
@Hitspark I think what he meant by the home thing is basically how in cases children who grow up in a normal household could still become violent and how the reverse is also applicable

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