Ijimeru Aitsu ga Waruinoka, Ijimerareta Boku ga Waruinoka? - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Punishment

Dec 16, 2020
That is actually a really interesting, that he is simply trying to prove it's not someone's fault if they get bullied!
Jan 25, 2018
@l0quid I think putting a teacher in jail for abusing(idc if any1 disagree about this) a student like the MC is doing is absolutely a good moral for the story.
Active member
Mar 11, 2019
I'm just playing a song "holograph" and I thought of a perfect scenario I've come up with.

In a dramatic sense, her father actually calls her a weakling when he finds out. He only "cared" for her because she's his successor.

Bullied girl can't take it anymore, so she sets up a smarter plan. Not even Aizawa knows, that's because she knew he's aware of the bullying. She manage to piece out the connection? (Like wtf how)

Her plan is to get the bully leader thrown in jail, while the rest gets scarred for life or death. To do that, she sets up the place where the bullies are likely to assault her. Determining time and aftermath, she'll know it will go well. She makes sure that Aizawa couldn't interfere with her plan, hence sets up a trap for him (gets locked in the room or something). Aizawa wouldn't know about it and thought she's finally coming out of her shell.

The bullied girl brings out a self-defense weapon (the knife~fu). Girls just snicker and attempts to hold her down. Bullied girl manages to injures the leader and leader gets angry. They both have a confrontation, and bullied girl dies. Murdered by the leader, the girls panicked and get rid of the murder weapon. They assumed they would be safe...

Unfortunately... Just the right timing, Aizawa appears. With his 🎤 tie and trusty phone, records the crucial evidence. The bullied girl somehow predicted this.

Someone sends out an anonymous letter to each of them, blackmailing them that they know their secret. The girls start to get paranoid and eventually goes down one after another. The leader starts freaking out and seeks for Aizawa, hoping that he'll help her. Aiwaza, with a fake smile, reassures her. He had sent evidence to Suzuki prior to the girls' demise.

Suzuki, angered by his daughter's murder, sets out to revenge. He wants to give his daughter one last gift, sharing the pain that she had suffered to the criminals. He starts taking them down, except the leader. He threatens her that he'll kill her family and makes sure her life will be hell, if she doesn't do what he wants. He wants her to reveal the truth on live and kill herself on set.

She agrees, and attempts to do that... Then the police come and restrain her. Suzuki gets frustrated and gets arrested by the police for the murders. Both of them goes to jail. The leader gets PTSD after that, goes into hysteric screams. All goes well according to Aizawa's plan.

Aizawa, fully satisfied with his revenge, now wonders if he should have save that girl. Then shit happens, a student gets bullied by another group of bullies. Aizawa smiles, signifying his scheme has been put into motion once again.

In other words, he's going to repeat the same shit. Sends evidence to the father/mother -> parent kills the bullies -> have both the leader and parent arrested.

That is... If the victim doesn't attempt to suicide, Aizawa will "push" him to do so. Or.... He could manipulate the evidence against the leader to give him a solid motive to murder the victim.

The end.
Nov 26, 2020
The sensei's motives seem silent. But I'm very curious as to what he is trying to do
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
so everytime he's been lingering near the bullying, he's been recording? And he doesn't say anything so his intervention won't be claimed as driving or directing the bullying.
Mar 7, 2019
He’s so clearly obviously not in the wrong and is only being painted that way to seem like a bad guy. Hope in-world it’s made more convincing though.
Jan 18, 2018
Sensei merely wants to prove something to himself AND he had seen his methods work already!

With such HARSH bullying,reporting bullies to "authorities" never nets you the intended consequences, with the bullies getting a mere slap on the wrist and the victim ending up in a worse situation than if you never reported it in the first place. (The consequences often follow the victim to wherever they go and almost always end with them committing suicide)

The best way to defeat the bullies is catching them in the act MULTIPLE times then publicly executing them online (thanks internet and your pool of shitty busybodies). If you can't get the intended result from the authoritarian figure, force their hand thru public humiliation.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk!

And for the Filipinos in these backwaters, remember the "BUGBOG O DIGNIDAD?" guy?
If the school administration's hand wasnt forced through public humiliation (catching the bullies on record and then publicly executing them online) then the bully and his two other cohorts would've only ended up with a 1 week suspension and a seminar thanks to their family statuses :>
Jan 21, 2020
In my opinion the boy (was his name Makana? Idk) is the guy groping her, sensei is recording everything to then expose it like last's bullying victim. At this rate, the boy will most likely rape or have sex or something along those lines, emotionally abusing her mental state and dependance on him.
I still don't think him "collaborating" with the bullies is morally or ethically right but whatever.
I kinda just wanna see Suzuki's (father) reaction to his whole world going down.
Dec 9, 2020
I'm so confused whenever in manga they talk about those type of videos and are like I wonder what's going to happen if this gets spread around, like it's just going to make people think that she is getting sexually assaulted nothing more. It's not gonna make people think oh wow shes getting assaulted that makes her disgusting
Aggregator gang
May 25, 2018
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah get bullied retard. =)
May 2, 2020
Just wanna say, how unfortunate you girl... Also what shitty parents and friends.
Thank you anyway
Active member
Dec 21, 2018
@Gwizayoi what matter the most is that her body is available online, to make it worse, everyone can see she got assault ed. Hell, even i don't want that.

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