lol I get you man, I get that'd you'd think I'd be crazy thinking some stupid retarded shit like that could happen, but my dear friend that's the same face I had when I heard the term manspreading and how it was offensive for men to sit with their legs open so their balls wont be crushed, when a man explaining something was called mansplaning, when people started saying that being too masculine is a problem and men should take testosterone blockers, when the words boy and girl were offensive somehow in some weirdo European countries and they used a gender neutral pronoun steim or some weirdo shit like that.
Men wearing dresses, unshaved women, not being able to dress like that or this cuz it's offensive to such and such group, you can't use certain words anymore, people getting offended at PDA cuz it reminds them they're lonely and trying to create "couple free zones", you know in some campuses in the US you can't clap cuz it's offensive? You can't hug others cuz it's offensive?
I mean bro how far until handholding offends enough people for it to banned lol?