I'll Make You into an Otaku, so make Me into a Riajuu! - Vol. 6 Ch. 28 - Then, I'll be going!

Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Toradora is shit. Why? Where would you see a midget tsundere bitch beating up a big guy? That's unreal unless she only hits his balls. So you have to be a masochist to like Toradora crap. Yes, have fun laughing. 😉
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
Really, it took you 3 days to come up with that response? There's a reason Toradora is one of the most famous, popular and highly rated romances of all time and this doesn't have an anime, substandard scores and most people don't even know it exists. You're just an edgy teen with a hot take and half a brain. What a laughable defence. Go to a con, or any given comment section and ask people what they think of Toradora and then Omae o Otaku. I'd bet most of the commenters / readers of this series are not delusional or stupid enough to make the claims that you are. And don't worry, everyone will have fun laughing at you.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Really, you don't even answer my questions? How come you need to unwind your anger just because someone doesn't like Toradora? 🤔
Better post some funny GIFs as you did before.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
What question? It's literally a self-answered question. That's what a tsundere is 95% of time. Go watch any anime with a tsundere. Man, gotta love it when morons think they have a point and a gotcha. Gotta love non-sequitur logic.

There are no gifs as funny as the side show that is you.

I love how you reply 3 days later when the comment section has died. You just wanna spout your bs so you can feel special, but avoid any attention because you know everyone will pound you into the ground. Please, keep screeching about Toradora in future chapters, see how many people agree with you. Go start a thread in r/anime or r/manga and get laughed at.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Section died? k, you are a zombie then. I don't give a crap about what others think about Toradora. At least you seem interested in the fact I don't like Toradora. So what? Wanna continue this pointless conversation? You make me bored. At least your first answer was funny, my friend.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
OOOH gottem? Did you go to Eminem's preschooler class for comebacks?

I'm more interested in your delusion in thinking that this is better than Toradora. I don't care that you hate something, I think it's hilarious you just cannot admit something you dislike is better than something you like. Then you gotta add some bs insult because your pride was wounded.
May 25, 2018
@Yautja you're previous reply to that timeskip part is half-spot on, but good god just answer the guy's damn question why toradora is leagues above this. If all you can do is meme you're way through to feel superior then please just shut the hell up.

@monkey I hard agree that taiga just casually kickin ryu up in the air is kinda dumb, actually almost made me dropp the anime, but it had some really good developments there. The gyaru here is waaaay more tolerable, but doesn't change the fact that this is way too centered on the two MCs and relies too hard on the "male mc stupid clumsy otaku" shtick. Which is kinda sad since the characters are actually really likable, but I guess the author is too scared to build the story beyond it's main premise. Like, as much as people like to hate on nisekoi, at least the side-heroines were built up enough for readers to actually root for them even though we knew it was a ship doomed to sink (Mari deserved better).
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
Dude, it doesn't matter why, he doesn't care. It'd be like telling a flat earther or antivaxxer why their ideas are bullshit and how they've been disproven. Making fun of him, memes and tearing down his own logic are more effective than trying to having an actual conversation with someone who doesn't wanna have one, and reinforcing my ideas and simple facts with someone who rejects both.

He's not asking a question to get an answer, he's asking a question so he can reject the answer. And he didn't even really ask a question, certainly not why Toradora is better. He literally asked where you'd find a tsundere beating up the protagonist, even though that's defintionally what a tsundere is and is displayed as in the majority of anime.
May 25, 2018
@Yautja Now that I've reread the logs, it certainly could be read like that. He really was kind of getting kind of douche-y with the way he said it. But you could have genuinely answered the question and maybe somebody else, myself for one, and convince another reader to read/watch Toradora and agree that Toradora is in fact superior to this manga. Because it IS superior, and maybe that guy just couldn't stomach watching it after the first few episodes because let's be honest, the first few were hard to go through. Having personal and family problems that lead to you seeking attention and acting like a bitch is sad and all, but at the end of the day Taiga was still acting like a bitch. And that's kind of off-putting when you consider most anime-enthusiasts are generally male, and seeing a man that is, in our perspective, is kind and innocent be treated horribly and unfairly by a small little girl can strike a nerve.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
I very much could have, but from the first comment, it's clear it was pointless. At least to say to him. And yes, I agree unrelated people who maybe reading maybe convinced of something, but Toradora has been out for a decade, is one of the most popular series to exist, one of the most well rated and reviewed traditional high school romances, and is treated like a cornerstone or gateway of anime. I don't think there's too much for me to say; I don't really feel the need to comment with that sort of preparatory mindset. If someone genuinely asked me that'd be one thing, but that wasn't the case, and odds are, commenting with those people in mind, who I imagine to be a severe scarcity, is just a massive waste of time on multiple levels.

I don't disagree with any of that, but if people can only look at a story through a self insert POV, they're not worth my genuine effort or time. Even more so if those people cannot sit through and finish a series before airing that sort of mediocre criticism. Which is exactly why I treated this guy as I did. I personally don't like tsunderes, certainly not violent ones, like Taiga at the beginning, but it's not too hard to disassociate what one likes from what is good, and to ignore how one feels in a given situation, or at the very least, not let those feeling influence a fair judging of a series. To me, being unable to do any of that is a simple lack of maturity and education and a fantastic indicator of someone's who's opinion I will hold no value of. Especially when there are multiple perspectives and facets to look at a given series through.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
I hard agree that taiga just casually kickin ryu up in the air is kinda dumb, actually almost made me dropp the anime, but it had some really good developments there.
I watched some anime chapters, the violent tsundere bitching was so annoying I dropped the series altogether. You could say I only read people's summaries of Toradora. Didn't want to waste time watching anime/reading manga, so whatever.

I hope this otaku manga gets a nice ending although it's sad it doesn't get as much attention as Toradora. I agree the otaku manga didn't get too much attention from the author either.

What Yautja does not understand: Tsunderes are not just tsunderes. There are many types of them. Some of them beat the crap out of MCs, others are just being more soft type of tsundere. I prefer the latter. That's also the reason I liked Fairy Tail. Lucy (being a bit tsundere) tried to hit Natsu and he nonchalantly blocks her attempt. That's what I call a good MC!

Another example is the manga Love Tiger. Who on earth would continue to read it? Male readers? Really? It's just not my manga. Also the first impression is important.
May 25, 2018
@monkey123 Yea it's a shame that even the author didn't work on this one enough.

I actually dropped Love Tiger just 15 chapters in. But with a completely different reason. It was just too stupid for me to handle.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
And what do ya know, he word for word fit every criticism I put out, even the ones that weren't already evident. Only read summaries. Never finished the any of the series.

"Tsunderes are not just tsunderes." What a @moron. And a straw-man.
May 25, 2018
@Yautja you could also say that I was right with my defence for him that Taiga is, for some people, too intolerable that they miss out on the story as a whole. It's a shame that he thinks like that, but I can understand it. Not all of us think on some things as a whole and tolerate tidbits of it that are bad. And in Toradora's case, Taiga was a big bite of the whole.

@monkey123 please don't type like that. I'm trying to defend your viewpoint here. Yes there was some criticism to be had about Toradora but you acting like an insufferable asshole doesn't help you convey that.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
You definitely were, and that's one of the exact things I criticized him for. I understand it, and reject it as petulant and nescient. And now that you've criticized him, you'll likely be to unfortunately end up in my shoes in regards to him. There's a reason I ignored him once he began to bank on insults. He waved the white flag.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
It's just when someone acts like a child, he will be treated as a child. Yautjia seems to belong to this category. It's always funny how people tell they ignore me, but read my comments anyway. Nothing more to say.

Don't care too much about internet discussions. It's always the same.
May 25, 2018
@Yautja Ok I get where you're coming from now. I thought he was just misunderstood, but now I admit this guy must just be an edgy teenage memester. He just lost all respect I had for him with that last one. I'm not even gonna tag him in this one even though he's the main subject, he wasn't acting like an insufferable asshole. He is one.

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