greyhud90 you are why people should be forced to wear a muzzle until they show they are mature enough to talk to human beings and should not be allowed on the internet until they understand those same behaviors should carry over especially when you have anonymity. Guess some people just are not mature enough to handle it. I gave a well reasoned argument for why i stopped reading this one manga, ie if it is not fun i will not support you meaning less ad revenue, and your sense of entitlement was so strong you started projecting it onto me. Toxic children like you are why so many artists agree these sites of hate, discrimination and control should be shut down. I could go back too reading them exclusively in japanese, or start learning other written languages, to get my comic fix. So many of you would crash and burn without all this though. No place to hide from your failure at real life, less income for people trying to leach off the skills of others. Go ahead, keep making it hateful and toxic, that is all trolls like you can create.