I'm in Love with the Villainess

Sep 14, 2020
@ninjaGoemon, okay I’m glad to hear that Rei will get better bc I really want to like her but just can’t right now since her personality just grinds my gears atm haha

@ThisMe, aren’t most isekai characters supposed to be relatable characters who essentially act like self-inserts for the audience? So idk why it’s so odd for me to compare myself to the character Rei who’s supposed to be the self-insert for this story. I understand her personality/perspective/motivations and everything, but that still doesn’t change my opinion of her acting immature and creepy for someone who shares similar life experience to mine like working a deadend office job and being an adult struggling with her sexuality.

I appreciate the author’s and all the translator’s hard work but I currently find Rei to be an annoying af MC. I like everything else about the story though 🤷‍♀️
Jul 8, 2018
@supamaneuvar So just because you share a couple similarities, the MC has to be exactly the same as you and act exactly the way you want her to act?

And what's more, suddenly being reborn as a different person, in a fantasy world from a game you played, won't you become disconnected from reality like that and behave in a way you normally wouldn't?

Also, self-insertion is extremely subjective. Saying isekai characters are supposed should be relatable might be right in order to increase reader interest, but does not mean everybody wants to relate to them.
I've heard enough times the saying "It's cool what he/she does, but I wouldn't want to be him/her.".
And it's always weird to compare yourself to a fantasy character. You can compare yourself to a real person, like your mother, your father, siblings or friends, but why would you try to compare yourself to a fictional character, that comes from someone's fantasy? Imagine that I create a character, my character can destroy planets with a punch, can move objects with its mind and is indestructible. Why would I want to compare myself now to the character I created? Why would someone else want to compare themselves to that character, who is obviously completely impossible? It's completely disconnected from reality and just weird.
Sep 14, 2020
@thisme Lmao where did I ever say that I wanted Rei to act exactly like me? 😂 You’re just putting words in my mouth, dude. So if it’s weird for me to compare myself to an fictional character, that means anyone in the comment section who finds Rei relatable or identify with her are just big old weirdos like me. If we’re going by your logic. Got it 😉

And I still find Rei annoying haha
Jul 8, 2018
I understand her personality/perspective/motivations and everything, but that still doesn’t change my opinion of her acting immature and creepy for someone who shares similar life experience to mine like working a deadend office job and being an adult struggling with her sexuality.

So you expect her to behave a certain way based on YOUR experience, or else you wouldn't call her immature and creepy, would you?
And if someone identifies themselves with a fictional character, it most often shows the scope of their personality, or rather the lack of it.
Sep 14, 2020
@ThisMe, Hmmm guess you got a point there. I have reflected on my words thanks to your great insight and realized that I shouldn’t have compared Rei to myself. I have come to conclusion that I think Rei is annoying/creepy/immature and so far don’t really find her likeable, regardless of anyone’s experience including my own. Meh, that’s just how I feel. what more do you want? 🤷‍♀️

Also I love how you’re lowkey shading a significant portion of the fanbase who loves this series bc they relate to the characters 😂 Why are you so pressed about people making comparisons of characters to themselves? Lmao is it really a hill worth dying on?
Apr 23, 2020
@Vivewe14 It is a light novel(2 in total). If you want to read the web version of it then here is the link: https://jingletranslations.wordpress.com/i-favor-the-villainess/
Jul 8, 2018
@supamaneuvar Why I'm so pressed on it? That's because people of the LGBT community are extremely loud when demanding for representation, not asking, actually demanding. And they forget that there is more to a person than just sexual orientation. The moment you take that away from them, only an empty shell is left.

You never see stuff like "I can so relate to the mc" under straight works simply because those people don't care at all. But words like "she's just like me" or "I'm also like that" always pop up under LGBT works. Why bother so desperately to look for things you can relate to if you can just enjoy the ride?
Oct 13, 2020
@ThisMe Hey that's not true at all. People that AREN'T from the lgbt community are also loud and demanding (righteous religious fanatic homophobes for example, TERFS, Karens, etc.) and also I'm super gay and I often find straight MCs relatable sometimes. Though, I think I get your point. An author shouldn't pander to an audience and make their MC "relatable" to everyone cause in the end it'll just be one more generic boring mc. Special qualities are what make an MC an MC, and Rei Taylor is definitely a complicated, well thought out MC that gets amazing better character development later on. I love it when MCs stop being two dimentional.
Jul 8, 2018
@ArinChicken Well, every group has these fanatics and it's sad how some reject others solely because of their sexual orientation, but for me the LGBT community was the loudest for now. Especially with them attacking animes like Uzaki-chan or nagatoro which I haven't seen, but that's a different issue.
And yes, it would be very boring to have a character that's too relatable or who's purpose is one dimensional(you also wouldn't like people irl with no personality). The author probably thought something about it when choosing to make Rei be like what we have seen up until now.
Oct 1, 2020
@ThisMe The LGBTQ community didnt attack those characters. It was the Twitter community which is both compromised of straight/cis and LGBTQ+ people. Twitter just likes to cancel stuff and just because half or a few of the people in it are part of the LGBTQ+ community doesn't mean that the entire community is coming after them. I, personally, have actually seen more straight people attacking Uzaki-chan and Nagotaro then LGBTQ+ people.
And an additional note: Twitter is a terrible place with a very heightened sense of non existent justice (rarely they actually do something good). Twitter mainly hosts all the bad side to communities of people. Not that good people don't exist, they do, it's just that the negatives more likely to show up. Like the Kpop community, the Twitter part of it is what many mainly think of when they think of us, basically assholes who shove their music tastes down others throats, and honestly we are just a chill group of people who like a certain genre of music, that is as long as you dont include the majority of the Twitter community. Ok sorry for dragging that to whole different topic but the LGBTQ+ community on Twitter actually stays pretty docile for the most part unless someone is being homophobic/transphobic (or has been in the past publicly). And no way in hell have Uzaki Chan and Nagotaro ever have ever done anything homophobic or transphobic so the LGBTQ+ community really doesn't have any reason attack those characters. And they didn't either. I don't remember why Nagotaro was dragged but Uzaki Chan was dragged for her proportions. And it was definitely not the LGBTQ+ community that came after the character. It was the body positivity community, which ironically shamed Uzaki Chan for having "unrealistic" body proportions (and also looking like a child I think).
TLDR: Your info is wrong. The LGBTQ+ community is actually docile. I apologise again for going into a tangent and last but not least, I wish you a good day/ hope your day was great. Thanks for reading this too btw.

Edit: I didn't read what you and @ArinChicken were talking about. I kinda just glosed over the last 3 replies and honestly, I side with @ArinChicken .
Edit 2: ok I read the entire thing, honestly imo @ThisMe is being a bit aggressive but none the less, I dont side with either of you.
To @ThisMe
The reason why people always go "I relate to this" under LGBTQ+ works is because some of us are self homophobic. We have no issues accepting others but accepting yourself is kinda hard sometimes. Especially in a homophobic country like me. I really didnt wanna accept that I wasn't straight, it's stupid but I have hid my face in my curtain and chanted "I'm straight" in my mind several times in the past because I wasn't ready to accept. Being able to relate to a character sometimes helps us to be more at ease with ourselves and gradually accept ourselves over time. I am not saying that we cant relate to straight characters cause I can and have several times in the past but finding that one or two characters that aren't straight and are relatable makes me feel normal, I dont feel like I am some kind of oddball like i feel deep inside myself sometimes. I know I am not but I still feel like that. And you can't do anything about feelings. These characters kinda act as a consolation to us. I hope that was understandable.
Also another thing is that we don't really demand representation loudly, those are people who claim to be allys or the few bad eggs. Like this one time I saw someone publicly bashing a creator for not having any representation BUT THEY COMPLETELY DISREGARDED THE GODDAMN STORYLINE AND HOW ADDING THAT THERE WOULD EITHER BE REDUNDANT OR RANDOM FACT NO 245 FOR THE CHARACTERS(which btw the authors had already declared that 3 out of the 4 main characters were bi/pan in their discord and they hadn't mentioned in the story yet because hey how the heck do you throw in that in a story about murder, politics, terrorism, assassins, assassins with trauma, police officers with trauma, and a detective who hasn't slept for the last 27827 years).
[Maybe that long ass line was not very understandable, it's like 3 here so myphrasing might be off. Sorry again.]
Mar 8, 2018
if you like this story consider donating a ko-fi to the author (writer) of this story! They're really struggling to make end's meet even tho they write such good lgbt storys :'c

their ko-fi is available on their twitter!
Apr 24, 2019
love the comments... @ThisMe if the LGBTQ community pisses you off and you think they're the loudest most demanding group of people out there I suggest you don't read manga about lesbians! Haha
Jul 8, 2018
@Submarina Comments like these are always the most stupid ones. "If you don't like x, then stop doing y."
Did you know that some people hate cooking, but love eating?

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