I'm Not a Lolicon! - Vol. 8 Ch. 53 - Not a Lolicon

Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Man the author is super salty about that activist lady huh?

I personally don't give a shit, I just find the whole fiasco funny to watch.
I mean there are really people like her who'd call some dudes pedophiles just because they happen to be male and interact with children (be it for profession or even their own ô_ô)

Then again fiction aside one unjustified accusation could be a social deathsentence ~ (Though since its Manga I think entire situation will just vanish next chapter and everyone acts like nothing happened by the one after xd)
Dec 11, 2018
What does a story about joking about lewd lolis have to do with LGBT?
pedo's are mad that their hiding spot (Comic LO, loli doujins, etc.) is being ousted so they have to scapegoat someone. I also think it's a slippery slope to have a gov't step in and censor artistic works, but uh, certain "types" of people are maybe a little too passionate about drawings of what are effectively CSAM wish fulfillment.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2019
pedo's are mad that their hiding spot (Comic LO, loli doujins, etc.) is being ousted so they have to scapegoat someone. I also think it's a slippery slope to have a gov't step in and censor artistic works, but uh, certain "types" of people are maybe a little too passionate about drawings of what are effectively CSAM wish fulfillment.
I’ve seen way more anti-loli pundits and officials busted for actual child abuse and child abuse imagery than I’ve seen guys with walls of dakis get in trouble for anything related to 3D. Loli is primarily targeted by wannabe moral crusaders desperate to hide their own wrongdoings.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 9, 2019
pedo's are mad that their hiding spot (Comic LO, loli doujins, etc.) is being ousted so they have to scapegoat someone. I also think it's a slippery slope to have a gov't step in and censor artistic works, but uh, certain "types" of people are maybe a little too passionate about drawings of what are effectively CSAM wish fulfillment.
why are you here then, bumass.
Mar 21, 2018
Funny how the author made the ugly she-beast the one who wants to convict based on personal bias.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Seriously, why have sensei not say anything? It's so stupid and we have what 2 chapters left? I feel like it was kinda pointless to read this series now...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Seriously, why have sensei not say anything? It's so stupid and we have what 2 chapters left? I feel like it was kinda pointless to read this series now...

He feels a need to own up but without throwing his student under a bus, I guess. The obvious symbolism is how this harkens back to chise's original timeline where he basically killed himself trying to make amends for a former student's mistakes. Mistakes that also was not his fault in the slightest.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Learn some Japanese history. It's more like they're unlearning western perspectives on LGBT stuff. The western (mostly Christian) view of homosexuality and other stuff was adopted during the Meiji era.
Well i guess it presumptuous to assume japan is starting to support lgbt because of the current west mb
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
Man the author is super salty about that activist lady huh?

I personally don't give a shit, I just find the whole fiasco funny to watch.
That woman becomes a local widspread meme. And JMAG was twice jeopardized in 20 years gap since a decade ago. First anime otaku will always regarded as negative culture after Tsutomu Miyazaki case kidnapping, rape, and murder an Elementary schoolgirl. 2nd "Anti-Anime Tokyo Bill" made by Shintaro Ishihara that kills many "unique" genre aired in TV and even forced author to alter the story if they want to be adapted into TV anime.

No wonder Uran feels threatened by SJW like that
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
The "pedo" teacher dissed her hard with that line she should resign as a teacher.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
After all this, Hinako has to go...even if author has to suddenly delete her character, even without explaining how, when and why, Hinako should disappear from the story.
Tbh, I'm gonna be pretty disappointed if, at the end of this drama, everyone is excused and everything goes back the way it was
Dex-chan lover
Dec 3, 2019
mangas do this moralizing thing all the time, where there's a character you're just supposed to hate the guts of cause of what they represent; usually it's overdone and the mangaka's line is tedious egalitarianism ranging from shallow to completely immoral.

so it's nice when you can be 100% on the mangaka's side like in this one
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2018
Learn some Japanese history. It's more like they're unlearning western perspectives on LGBT stuff. The western (mostly Christian) view of homosexuality and other stuff was adopted during the Meiji era.
Oh yeah, well known Christian nation, Japan. Cross in every classroom! And as we all know, the entire world was a paradise for those wacky gays until those pesky Christians arrived and spoiled everyone's fun. Boo! Boo them!
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2023

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