I'm Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness, Doesn't Mean I'm a Villain

Jan 20, 2018
For all the people feeling uncomfortable, you might be interested in knowing that
in the climax they turn the MC's skin white and then people start falling over themselves to try to hook up with her.

Was a weird moment.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
Ya know what I don't get? Is that the story of the "evil" person blessed by the Spirit King of Darkness saved the people from a tyrant, and only became a villain when everyone decided his dark powers were scary and ostracized him to the point that he decided if you're going to continue label and treat me like I'm evil, I might as well be evil. And so the big brain idea people have when some girl who is trying to be kind has the same blessing is to treat her like crap. Its a bit of a *golf clap for them.
Mar 29, 2019
I guess I've been reading a lot of these stories where everything just works out for the villainness without many problems so it's a surprise that roughly the majority of characters in this story seem determined to screw her. Her father is especially weak-willed and I wish the dark spirit king had chewed her mother out for being clearly the worst kind of mother that can't even be bothered to take care of her kids except when its to put down another one of her kids.

so basically these people are so utterly weakwilled and superficial they only hate her when she has obvious signs of holding a literal god's power, but even when they know she still has the god's power but doesn't outwardly display it they're suddenly trying to be her friend. It's like the author wanted to really capture how awful and shallow some people can be, instead of like most villainness stories where everyone is just good-natured and understanding.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2019
It's not really racism since she's not a different race, it's a deep-held fear of someone holding the power of a literal god based on the fact that they drove the last one who held it to commit numerous atrocities (she's like a white girl with a tan, lol)
In-context, anyways
Author might still be racist, I dunno
Jan 20, 2018
@Paradoxicull @anoman
in the confrontation with the plot MC, she gets acknowledged by the Light Spirit King who abandons the plot MC (Queen really, but meh) and then accidentally gets the Light Spirit King's skin tone (and eye colour? I forget) from a blessing or something. Then people start to love her.

I think the Prince who liked her before her skin changed colour is probably going to be her partner though, but I don't think I bothered reading past that.
Jul 10, 2019
lol the protagonist is such a fking doormat. Sometimes these reincarnation stories confuse me. Why does she act like a child?? Isn't she supposed to be a teenager?
Sep 9, 2019
I would slap the mom and maid seriously the mom is such a b*tch
I would say she doesn’t even deserve the title of mother cause of how egotistical she is (you resent me for not loving you so you wanted revenge) ಠ_ಠ no....that’s you being a horrible person and thinking you are that special of a snowflake
Sep 6, 2019
yOu hAtE mE blahh blah, can this mother get any more annoying??????
UGH hate both parents already omg

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