Education chamber did nothing.
Guide is interfering with MC having proper expectations (obviously seemed like Guide also made the adulterous man drop the adulterous woman previously)
The MC is definitely being set up to have less struggle by the Guide, and therefor will not discover the Guide pulling strings midway. The Guide had the power over Earth to do as it pleases with Earth people. Such an alien force provokes hatred of it. And yet it might as well be the MC because it overrules reality on a whim.
Good writing would have had the Guide experience disappointment that the MC was overcoming hardship in a disciplined way that would have steeled his will against disappointment later in his life, and then have the Guide struggle to make things go its way.
Instead now the Guide is going to either itself be surprised at the end and disappointed, and be shown as a wishful thinking fool that it had itself accused of the MC, out of its continued blessing of MC in stupid pursuit of a great fall (later), with an MC overcoming it later without the MC having the justification for it (due to the MC's lack of intelligence) or it will just get what it wants entirely.
Maybe it's better for me to think of every character as stupid instead.