I'm the Great Immortal - Ch. 97

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 13, 2019
Just read about how Ellen is a true demon. Basically from all the info. If you're a 'regular' person she'll either treat you like shit or completely ignore you. While if you have celebrity status or wealth she'll be friendly.

We really slave away for others while they do the bare minimum and acquire all the benefits.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
Everyone keeps saying that the MC is too soft. He's not. What does he care about humans? He's lived longer than all of human civilization and will be alive long after they're dead. He's, actually, disconnected from humanity and literally sees people, who think they are a threat, as individual ants.
Nov 9, 2019
So, technically his friend do not find it strange ? A little loli is fighting some adults ?
& what happen to the public ?
Apr 26, 2018
@Cyoteblack His current mindset is okay, but the execution is wrong. If you treat people like ants, then don't waste too much time explaining to them. If they dare to oppose, KILL, no second sentence is needed.
Why every conflict started with:
MC: "If you dare........etc.......This venerable god king will.......send you to the void"
Villain: "Lol this guy is so dumb he's speaking funny words, Everyone! Surround him and break his legs!"
And then, of course, MC went with the extra effort of explaining the consequences of opposing him to the villains, and then, of course, they wouldn't listen and in the end, he still had to beat them himself.
When he could have killed one guy and said: "If you dare to fight me, you'll be like this guy, now choose". And that was just one of many solutions the Author could have used.
I'm pretty sure this is why some people, including me, are upset with this MC. This same situation has happened like 10th times so far and MC still hasn't learned his lesson. His way of talking also takes a great chunk of content as well, which makes the fights and the overall plot advance very slowly, all because of his unnecessary talks
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018

I get your point. But this is based on Chinese mythology where gods do as they please because they have power over life and death. Think Dr. Manhattan from The Watchmen. So powerful that he became completely disconnected from humanity. He makes his own rules as to what is and is not worth his time or attention. Since he can kill whenever he wants, he couldn't care less about what mortals, who have a limited life span, do.
Mar 7, 2018
Everyone he meets has some big organization backing them off... really
Nov 5, 2019
Is loli corrupting xiaofan? he seems became more bloodthirsty
(OTOH, the other party is degenerates that looking forward to beating lolis, so they kinda had it coming themselves, yanno)
Jun 21, 2020
loli overload....loli really cute and have a healing power......hope no more loli porn!

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