@kbalintz much appreciated, stayin with ya here
taking your background at face value, got no reason to doubt, plus i dont think a 10 yr old would engage me to such an extent
but i somewhat get where you're coming from
when you say you're listening biology do you mean you're studying or majoring biology?
my response is also gonna be a tad bit long, though probably not as long ((i don't think so at least) made adjustments it actually may be long, who knows)...
i don't necessarily agree with your professor's social experiment on polygamy, it goes into what i mentioned in my previous message about societal norms and indoctrination.
if your society doesn't perceive it as normal chances of you opposing society in any hypothetical context are rather low. People tend to be passive, conformist, seldom ever going against the grain
in the U.S the democrats chose Joe Biden over Bernie Sanders who they believe is too radical
but if you look at international politics Bernie Sanders' approach on healthcare education taxation and even on foreign policy are rather moderate, his ballot issues are overwhelmingly favorable in polls among the american people
yet people chose to vote against their own interests and what they knew would improve their lives
there are many reasons why this is the case
media defined Joe Biden as the safer pick, he reminded americans of the "good ol days" when we had the first Black president woopyyy America was so progressive back then b/c people on the news said it was.
sometimes you'd have the occasional teacher say something like "america has come a long way"
-never mind the 90% civilian casualty rate drone strikes children being put in cages and predominantly black neighborhoods being denied access to clean water, leaving them and their family members poisoned till this very day
then again war criminal Bush came and gave a "heartfelt" speech on Covid19 and with media praise his approval ratings skyrocketed as well
but alas i digress the perceived safer option morphed the conversation to where we essentially chose a candidate based on "electibility" even though a game show host won the previous re-election in 2016 effectively doing away with this notion (or at least it should have done away with it)
when polls show most people think Biden is electable but most people believe in Bernie to fight for policies in their best interest, you have a case study on human nature
back to that experiment there are other factors to take into account, ill tackle some of which based on knowledge of myself
when i think about what i would do in that situation (and i've changed quite a bit from my highschool and early college days) i can find few reasons why i would never raise my hand
-the current 'me' x-amount of years after college, wouldn't raise his hand b/c i have developed a slight anxiety towards women (wouldn't call it gynophobia) but i would rather steer clear and not be engaged in that type of intimacy probs forever, i do NOT consider norms b/c im averse to society in general due to my own personal less than savory hiccups in life
-my younger self would have also refused to raise his hand, b/c "how can i trust the people around me what if someone has their eyes open, can i trust the professor?" then comes relationship norms
->i grew up in a christian household even though atheist it does shit to you mentally, i would consume rom-com animes at the time i liked How I Met Your Mother... I'm practically born and artificially bred through a process involving multiple forms of media and interactions in this world to NOT raise my hand in this exact moment
on this subject MASTER OF GU is a great read and it tackles this subject in a slightly exaggerated manner
i would highly recommend it
to provide another perspective from personal experience, college also exists to reinforce norms
not saying your professor gave that example for nefarious reasons
just that most people in these types of positions be it education politics or media have been vetted beforehand by the same system you are being vetted by
now to tie it together
when i mentioned the MC's background, it was to say that there's no background he can have that would be sufficient in claiming multiple wives. The Society he was forced in will never accept him as a man, even the recent boss-lady... lets say she's 40 years old thats 40 years of generally falling in line with the teachings of her world, 1 abnormal kid isn't going to change that (realistically speaking). Its not like its ONLY the adults that are corrupted by the reverse teachings
who are the teachers? participants in this society... who are their parents? participants in this society... the figure heads on T.V, the media these characters consume? the friends, the acquaintances, the neighbor with that adorable ass shiba inu?
point? its not just the adults but its also the kids, the harem members as well who are affected by this
THEY won't accept it... THEY will go as far as murdering, b/c society deems that as normal
the loving Huahua is the only exception exception (the original MC of this world is implied to be just like the other men)
i edited a bit, im sure my grammar has holes in some places
may have forgotten some other points i wanted to make, but i don't wanna make this any longer so ill end it here for now