On page 7 and 8, she could have just pointed out the the only thing she wants is to find a way home and see her parents. Since this directly contradicts what they just said about how Gaia's children should act (not being involved with "peasants" and replacing their family name with 'mene gaia'), the church couldn't fulfill that wish without breaking their own rules.
To drive the message even further, she could have asked the Light healer if the church would let him do that if it's what he wanted.
Also, it is annoying that almost every one of these stories involving a church has it run by someone so obviously corrupt. Not every pope was Rodrigo Borgia/Alexander VI, and even then, the actual person was a lot more subtle and secretive about his corruption.
It's like someone played Assassin's Creed 2, made a character like Borgia, and then every other author just copied the first one as if that's how all organized religions are like.