In the Land of Leadale - Vol. 4 Ch. 17

Dex-chan lover
Feb 15, 2018
thanks for the chapter,
soo the child stated that for sometime he feels more pain then usual, wouldnt that imply that he was in regular pain before the game thing happend?
also why would gms have such an item? when you normaly act like an ass or cheat in a mmo, you simply get temp or perma banned. i dont see the reason for the collar to exist as an gm item o_O
I can understand why they need the collar, as an easy out for the girl, but I agree I don't understand why real-world GMs wouldn't just temp or perma ban bad players. Maybe a soft temp-ban idk.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
Even if he was a minor, wouldn't he realize something's changed after being there for multiple days or weeks? The bandit group seemed to be an ongoing problem, forgot if the previous chapters mentioned how long. Unless players can be logged in indefinitely if they are being fed with a tube or IV, and have pee and poop catheters. In that case, hook me up.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
Even if he was a minor, wouldn't he realize something's changed after being there for multiple days or weeks? The bandit group seemed to be an ongoing problem, forgot if the previous chapters mentioned how long. Unless players can be logged in indefinitely if they are being fed with a tube or IV, and have pee and poop catheters. In that case, hook me up.
Over the long term, muscle atrophy might become a problem.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
She's accepted that this is a real world and this kid committed real murder on real people. He's more powerful than 99% of people and now mentally unstable. She made a decision
What do you mean he's mentally unstable? He's just freaking out because he realized that the fun game he had been playing had become reality and that the NPCs he killed were real people.
Some people might see it as harsh but having a super human in this world that can just kill without remorse could be more dangerous down the line so killing him before he goes down that path might be better in the long run
I think that now that he knows its not a game, he wont kill people, he's a child. He was only killing without remorse when he thought it was still a game. He even goes through denial about it; he is obviously shaken by this realization.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
....well isnt it lucky that she has this incredibly useful item that immediately solves this situation?
Situation happens > magic solution into existence > move on
This isnt writing this is literary water boarding.

Thanks for the chapter!
Huh, so there are other players?
I still think it's weird that the guy didn't realise that something weird was going on.
Did they try to stop playing the game? How long was he there for?
I hope we get to see her try to talk to him.
At first I thought he was just like the guardian face but it looks like he really is a player like the MC? And a kid too? This is pretty cruel.
You have issues... you actually want her to murder her own granddaughter.... -_-
This is not her granddaughter.
Its the daughter of an NPC she made.
She has absolutely no relation to this person not societal or biological.
Dex-chan lover
May 29, 2020
Gonna drop major spoilers for current problems and way later explanations for anyone who cares. I'll be dividing them up though.

From the novel explanations, Cayna is the only one who died outside of Leadale to get isekai'd. All the other players who are in Leadale where actually grabbed while they were playing the game. And either immediately dropped into the World or sent farther in time. There's actually a lot of players in the game. Some already having died of old age. But most seem to have adapted to this World. There already appeared 2 in ch 15. This kid is actually a freah appearance, hence his reaction.

He isn't executed. But he actually does feel extreme guilt after Cayna's monologue and realizing it's not a game anymore. He ends up reforming pretty quickly but stays in the collar till way later.

These are extreme spoilers
The Leadale game was actually funded by Cayna's Grandpa/Uncle and worked on by one other, to be a place where she could have fun after the accident. They presented it to her 1st one day when they wanted her to "test" how it was going. In reality, Leadale was actually a real World, it got within spacial distance of Earth and they found a way to connect to it.
The reason why they had top players acting as admins was because most Dev time was actually spent on padding out the server to accommodate for skills and stuff to impose on the other World to make it easier to live. Also, the Devs where fixing spacial distortions that would appear every so often.

Opus is actually a female who helped develop the game. She does have a Male Avatar though. Later, when he finally appears, Cayna's Kids think he's their father (she explained their father's personality similar to his). She quickly says it's actually his "brother" who is the father.
Cayna was actually already in this World for 200 years. But she wasn't conscious. What happened was, the Leadale Server was placed inside her because she was an immortal species. So any player who gets dumped into the World would still have their skills after Earth disconnets from Leadale spatially. Opus creates a new skill for Cayna to break the level limit in general. Cayna can also influence the server to implement anything she wants, but she's lacking in this department.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
Gonna drop major spoilers for current problems and way later explanations for anyone who cares. I'll be dividing them up though.

From the novel explanations, Cayna is the only one who died outside of Leadale to get isekai'd. All the other players who are in Leadale where actually grabbed while they were playing the game. And either immediately dropped into the World or sent farther in time. There's actually a lot of players in the game. Some already having died of old age. But most seem to have adapted to this World. There already appeared 2 in ch 15. This kid is actually a freah appearance, hence his reaction.

He isn't executed. But he actually does feel extreme guilt after Cayna's monologue and realizing it's not a game anymore. He ends up reforming pretty quickly but stays in the collar till way later.

These are extreme spoilers
The Leadale game was actually funded by Cayna's Grandpa/Uncle and worked on by one other, to be a place where she could have fun after the accident. They presented it to her 1st one day when they wanted her to "test" how it was going. In reality, Leadale was actually a real World, it got within spacial distance of Earth and they found a way to connect to it.
The reason why they had top players acting as admins was because most Dev time was actually spent on padding out the server to accommodate for skills and stuff to impose on the other World to make it easier to live. Also, the Devs where fixing spacial distortions that would appear every so often.

Fucking. Yuck.
Might drop this that's the dumbest shit I have ever heard in my life.
Aint no way somebody unironically wrote that and tried to sell it.
That mind numbingly stupid on so many levels.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
Thanks for the chapter!
Huh, so there are other players?
I still think it's weird that the guy didn't realise that something weird was going on.
Did they try to stop playing the game? How long was he there for?
I hope we get to see her try to talk to him.
It depends
some players are there for a few days or week like the MC where others were dropped in months or years ago like the two she meet two chapters ago
Dex-chan lover
Apr 14, 2018
So clinical sociopaths and psychopaths who commit mass murder like Bundy and Dahmer should be forgiven and let go because they mentally didn't process what they were doing was evil.

Got it.

This kid should have been killed on the spot. This is practical, not emotional though. Because no jail exists that can hold him. He exists outside the scope of punishment. And at best, he'll be tortured then burned at the stake for being a bandit. A clean death would have been the "kindest" she could have done "for a fellow Japanese".

But since vast majority of JP are horribly xenophobic including authors (this isn't a stereotype, it's factual; go there as a black person and ride a train) they somehow use weirdo logic to excuse their own human rights violations, without introspection/retrospection -- even in fiction. (I won't cite examples, since they are a bit crass, but IIRC there was that one nationalistic author that went too far and got the LN/Manga/Anime cancelled.)
You make a valid point... but why are you suddenly ranting about Japanese people over fiction like you're a pearl-clutching soccer mom?
Get over yourself, seriously. You're seeing subtext when there is none here.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2023
You make a valid point... but why are you suddenly ranting about Japanese people over fiction like you're a pearl-clutching soccer mom?
Get over yourself, seriously. You're seeing subtext when there is none here.

Because it breaks immersion when I see it, and I'm pretty worn over the trope of "saving fellow countrymen" as special and unique, above and beyond the laws and norms of the culture they're integrating to. I read Korean, Japanese, Western European, Chinese, French, Thai, etc. fiction. And trends emerge.

The strict in-group/out-group (you can literally draw circles and identify characters) highlights this. Take for example the bandits she literally trampled and gored to death with spiked stegosaurus -- a reverse Iron Maiden. Now look at how she treated "a fellow player".
  • Are the "fellow player's" crimes any less horrific than the "standard bandit"?
  • Does the Japanese legal concept of "under-14 juveniles being unaccountable for crimes" apply in an Isekai world legal system?
  • Why is the author going to such lengths to show how "the world is real, these are her struggles integrating and accepting it"... yet immediately backtracks as soon as a "fellow Japanese" is introduced?
Her "kind humble forgiveness" may be viewed as a JP (fiction writing kept in mind, "customer" is JP readers) character ideal. However it breaks the immersion of a person being transmigrated into a foreign culture and land. I haven't read the source novel, but wouldn't be surprised if someone told me the Manga editor made Author change the plot to be more palatable for mass-market.

Same reason I am annoyed at "banzai Japanese rice" in Isekai fantasy novels. Equally as immersion-breaking as "McDonalds hamburgers in elven forests" in JRR Tolkien novels. I think JP author of "Bard Loen" is the only one that intentionally avoided this food-related trope -- as in that novel/manga, all the food is strange and fantastic. Suitable for a fantasy work. (He even eats his own horse as a sign of respect.)

So I have some basis for my claims.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Because it breaks immersion when I see it, and I'm pretty worn over the trope of "saving fellow countrymen" as special and unique, above and beyond the laws and norms of the culture they're integrating to. I read Korean, Japanese, Western European, Chinese, French, Thai, etc. fiction. And trends emerge.

The strict in-group/out-group (you can literally draw circles and identify characters) highlights this. Take for example the bandits she literally trampled and gored to death with spiked stegosaurus -- a reverse Iron Maiden. Now look at how she treated "a fellow player".
  • Are the "fellow player's" crimes any less horrific than the "standard bandit"?
  • Does the Japanese legal concept of "under-14 juveniles being unaccountable for crimes" apply in an Isekai world legal system?
  • Why is the author going to such lengths to show how "the world is real, these are her struggles integrating and accepting it"... yet immediately backtracks as soon as a "fellow Japanese" is introduced?
To be fair, for the fellow player, it's because she realized that he didn't know the game became real.

And people on the comment section are sympathizing because to the kid, it was a video game until it just magically turned real.

Like, imagine if you are playing games and all of the sudden, out of nowhere, the lives in the game magically become real without you realizing it.

Is that really fair to view him as horrific???

What if you found little kids playing with dolls and randomly, without their knowledge, those dolls become voodoo dolls and cause anything they do to affect a real person???

Like, you example with Sociopaths is a bad one because his once innocent activity magically became dangerous and hurt people without his knowledge. That is vastly different than a sociopath that harms people because of a mental instability...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2023
Like, imagine if you are playing games and all of the sudden, out of nowhere, the lives in the game magically become real without you realizing it.
I'll limit it to this context; as one can hypothesize anything one wants outside this framework. ("Allegory Of The Cave".) I'll only cite what Manga author themselves has provided as context:
  1. The MC here -- within five minutes of awareness -- realized something was amiss. The logout button was missing, contact support was missing.

  2. Within thirty minutes of awareness -- she recognized the physical sensations in the world were "too real". This despite being bedridden and heavily sedated IRL.

  3. I'm willing to ignore extreme unfamiliarity with environment and abnormal population issues; but even a moderate gamer knows when NPCs are missing or overpopulated in MMORPGs.

  4. Not even his racial characteristic of "not interacting with people as demon race" applies, as "the kid" clearly was interacting with the bandits and had a high-level character familiar with PKing and the game system.

  5. Although the AI did come in and tell her straight to her face, and we don't know how the VR interface alters time perception, there is ZERO way someone would fail to recognize they were trapped in an OS without an escape for months. The bandits were stated to have been there for a while. More than a few days.
All put together, it's absurd to feign ignorance, or consider the excuse presented here.

But better yet; you don't have to. Even if you run around thinking reality is a "game", if you commit a "fake" series of mass murders, get tried in "fake" court, then executed as "fake" punishment -- it doesn't change anything. The kid still should have been punished in-universe. "It's just a prank, bro" is not a mitigating factor for leniency in punishment. Especially of this severity.

Again, the ONLY reason "the kid" is being spared, (by the author for cultural reasons-- not in-universe by granddaughter for lawful-good reasons) is "because he's a fellow (Japanese) player". In-groups are human, Out-groups are sub-human. That is what annoys me on a cultural level. Take away that one magic excuse, and the inevitable and oh-so-annoying 'redemption arc' becomes impossible.
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