Shame that the anime uses the bland style it is using right now. Seeing this series with the manga's art would be 100x better. Though the anime is ahead, I'm still fond of reading the chapters because we get to see the content again, but with a better art style and far superior pacing.
Also, the ogre looks absolutely menacing in the manga, yet goofy as hell in the anime. Can't wait for the next part.
@Umetsu Yeah, said something like the demon's heart is in its stomach which was vague and not related to anything at the time so the MC is probably not thinking about it in the middle of the fight. So, this impressive do or die moment on a headshot feels like it's about to turn into Cell vs the Final Flash attack, y'know?
Well if you don't mind paying you can buy the official English release of volume 3 right now and it contains chapters 11-15. Then if you pop over to their site you can read chapter 16 for free.
And that is how Lord Kassak was killed in vinalla WoW a long time ago by that ret paladin. I like how the MC is a paladin who is using a similar method of just letting the dmg build up only to use it to one hit ko it.