Quite the history, thanks for both working to finish this series and improve the translations of the earlier chapters as well. This is certainly something of a big infodump at once, but given the build up I can accept the author wanting to move things along for the grand finale. Though at the same time for the very reason that we've been given this big omniscient infodump, it's interesting that a final mystery was dropped in at the same time, almost in passing. We find out that the Minerva wasn't merely not destroyed by a black hole device (or at least the Thuriens don't think so) but that they don't know at all (or have made it so secret that only a few know and won't reveal it here). Have to imagine that will play into the ending, with all the super luminal stuff and spanning of history maybe it'll end up being some intervention from the future?
At any rate, it's been a ride. I'm also glad to see the Lambiens slightly softened. Not that they haven't done plenty of evil too but it's more satisfying and better leads to a conclusion that they aren't one dimensional, and that even the historical war was at least somewhat about the circumstances.