Iron Ladies - Ch. 202 - I’m Sorry, It’s My Fault

Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
XD that fact is really interesting and what more he almost going to call them trash but still stop thought i feel like they already hear it nyahahahahaha

OwO) oh and thanks for the chapter so i report
it was delicious so i declare
Jan 28, 2018
@RedSkyX2 what SilentCrucifixion says, only applieble to puppet situation (and and 5% is a comparison of the computing power of the mc and the puppet) the angel brain is a computer, the higher the rank, the more powerful (and the heavenly rank is already a supercomputer) and mc the rank is higher. And their power grows exponentially. Therefore, to fully control all of his soldiers and puppets at the same time is an easy task for him, but only the new puppet has a semblance of consciousness (the previous rank one did not have it).
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the translation!
How did an idiot like the Dowager get to such a high position? You'd think she'd realize that simply telling the Battle Puppet to leave the twins alone wasn't going to be enough to save them anymore than it did telling Yuan to let the 2nd prince go. Why is it the bad guys always feel they can do as they please and no on can stop them but the instant someone calls them to heel and has the power to do so they make all sorts of claims saying they can't do that or we're such and such so let us go. Anti-dragon alliance declared itself anti-Daxia as well, that it would attack Daxia (while supposively leaving civilians alone although considering they were going to kill 2/3 of Merak's population while saying they were only going after Mu's forces their story has enough baloney to open a meat shop,) pirated the seed 3 legged Crow fought for, opened fire on Crow without cause, and insulted Mu and Crow all the while yet believe that their positions and the rules should allow them to leave once the tables have turned. These guys have been living under a double-standard too long. Wonder how long the elders are going to play mahjong while watching what's going on before going back 'online'? Nice that the story telling and stretching of the rules is being applied against the bad guys.

Btw, from US so is there some kind of cultural reference I'm missing about the Battle Puppet sneezing? Is it like he acting badly that he's sneezing when he's really laughing or something?
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
Justice for Douzi, no one should be forced to face such inhumane torture!

Thanks for the upload allen!
Dec 11, 2018
Me: How to be an OP character?
Google: reduce your IQ to 5 and apologize after killing 500,000 enemies
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Would be really nice if the elders declare Beiyang innocent of wrongdoing when they go back online and Dowager and Ditu guilty of mass murdering several hundred thousand Pleides civilians. Then ask her if feels guilty or fears karma for handing over the civilians she was responsible for to be tortured and fed to Ditu's beast puppets. After all, Mu or Yuan probably have a recording of the 2nd prince confessing to torturing and murdering over 150,000 civilians himself.

Btw, what happened to the seed? Last saw it a beast puppet was dropping it next to the twins. Also, what's with Chief Officers space suit? The helmet is understandable since it (don't know if male or female so using neutral it) needs to breath, but space suit only covers part of torso exposing hind legs and tail to space when it left the twins ship to rejoin the puppet. Speaking of Chief Officer, what does a chief officer do and does anyone know its gender? Might be female since was with puppet in Holy Blood lake when first saw puppet although it was on the puppet's head so maybe not.
Active member
Sep 30, 2019
I don't understand anymore. Dragon slayer alliance declared war to Daxia. After MC destroy fleet of DSA, DSA started complaining to Daxia. Are they insane? How anyone can complain about enemy warlord actions to enemy goverment?
May 30, 2018
Ok so this is the end of Dragon Slayer Alliance correct? Do they have any cards left?
Active member
Oct 27, 2020
Man I love the battle puppet. It is so carefree and nonchalant. Also love Immortal godmother's comments during this. This has been a great arc, thanks for the translation.
Aggregator gang
Nov 22, 2019
Basically every villain in Chinese story :
Kills everyone
Flaunting their might
Got uno reversed
"DoNt You afrA1id oF KiiLLin9 s0 MucH PeopLe?"
Oct 7, 2020
I love how the Daxia Alliance leaders are all for Beiyang’s crusade. I’m getting tired of stories where 5e MC’s own leaders hinder his goals.
Feb 17, 2021
Maybe the cold joke could be him referring to this display of force being nothing but a sneeze?

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