Iron Ladies

Active member
Sep 30, 2019
Great idea about space distopia where human life cost nothing and goverment use poor humans as war meat. But author made two mistakes.
1. Too many fantasy things (like cultivation, taosism, chineses wariors moral code and talks about whose bloodline more ancient) in manxua who has do nothing with actual wuxia (or any other cultivator type story). In space distopia its look very frustrating when heavy armored bionic space soldiers start talking about cultivation. Because in this story cultivation dont exist.
2. Too many masturbation on chineses things. Even for chineses readers. Everything made by china. Look like every other country just disapiring without a trace. Author can be proud of his country, but everything should be in moderation. Personaly i was overdosed by china.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 11, 2018
@Akachi, it's China, there is a good chance that if the author doesn't do point 2, he/she will have to stop, end up in jail, or get executed.

as for point 1, Angel Gear work on cultivation principles.
Active member
Sep 30, 2019
Bad if such hard censure exit in China. Still even if we forget about masturbation on china, overall story very bad. Author dont explain many esencional things. Even after ~300 chapter i dont understand how this universe work. Politic, tecnology and such. And more, most people in this univers act like they has IQ of bread (planet lord saz on TV "you are all livestock and i can kill you when i want", but only MC is bad somehow) or just insane. Basically author mix too many diferent thing and dont know how it must work together.

About cultivation. When we are in some fantasy china stile world, its ok if characters get their skills thought cultivation. But in cosmoopera you cant just say the alien bioimplant tecnology working throught cultivation. Its defenetly need more explanation then "its just cultivation". Same about insect queen and living planet. They know about both alien cultivate to curent form after 5 second fight with them (author to lazy to write some alien cultivation scaner).
Active member
Jan 23, 2018
ahhh, i hope someone is able to pick this up again. It might be simple and cliche but it's just so fun to read.
Active member
Jan 4, 2019
It's amusing to see so many people shit the bed because the author's gone with a post-historical science fantasy setting inspired by xianxia fiction and historical China.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
IL author sucks up to China "proud history" yeah, but he have to or they will find someway to axe the serie or just kill him, or kill him and give IL to some ghost writer.

A chinese wrestler is getting shitted on from his own country for revealing that "masters" of CN martial arts are frauds.
This fakers use dumb excuses to explain why they got beaten from another countryman and the government supports their lies, because their kungfu being surpassed from westerns practitioners is too hard to accept.
A big problem of China, being unable to accept being wrong on something or their tradition got old.
Another thing is that I personally beileve hard working people would be able to counter MMA moves, but this guys were fakes from the start, the videos with them "pushing" trains of people, sending energy waves to make them fall and similar bullshit should be enough.
China tops should punish the fakes for making their so much loved tradition look like shit, not the people actually working their ass off and destroying their facade.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 1, 2019
Qidian is uploading a few chapters as well.
Meanwhile I'm so sad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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