@FredFriendly I will say that this seems like very unfortunate timing. There would be a lot more screaming going on if our db was compromised. However, this seems like an isolated issue so I am highly doubtful that that is the case. And seeing how long you have been with us, I also would find it odd if you were tricked. But all it takes is one google for mangadex and a click on some 'unblock' site for that to occur, so the possibility must be brought up.
I doubt any rando would wait 2 years to use a stolen email.
My point was that visits to a non encrypted site are in plaintext, and even a no brain rando at a coffee shop or hotel can view your emails/passwords as you access the webmail. I would be more worried about smarter (probably?) data selling companies collecting it at a higher hop.
I still think it would be worth looking into the possibility of your email server being compromised. And believe that being the case is much more likely seeing how data is likely not encrypted.
Think of it this way. Should you open your cPannel, they could potentially gain your admin password and take over your server entirely. I believe for someone worried about info security, this is..... a big gaping hole you really need to consider