So, I'm the actual tl, honestly I did not expect to have this much of a reaction from this. Translation is a strange thing. You go too far to make something sound good in English and people call you a localizer or say you're butchering the work, you leave things untranslated or leave in the nuances of the Japanese and people complain that it's harder to understand. I tried to thread a middle way since there are no gendered pronouns used in that part.
There are names, and I tried as much as possible to put in a name, but then follow up with they/them afterwards as a middle way between preserving the nuance in the source that didn't have any gendered pronouns and not having it sound super weird with repeated names. Sometimes I didn't put in names and that contributed to making it more confusing than it had to be, and I apologize for that.
There are other elements that make things harder to understand, namely the pannelling in certain sections. With the gender neutral pronouns being in thought bubbles which make it more unclear than usual as to who is saying or thinking what. I'm not sure how to deal with that but I'll see if I can figure something out.
To the people saying that I'm being political, I don't really know what to say. If there are political implications then blame the source material, don't blame me. But like, you're tabbing onto a manga which is to do with gender pretty directly. That there is gender confusion as a part of it should not come as much of a surprise. Anyway, see you on the next exciting chapter, which should be out soon.