so author, you're aware that clearing a bunch in a small area is how you accidently make permanent clearings, right?
like, if you want to do proper forestry you go waltzing through the entire forest and only chop the decently old and slightly overcrowded trees (typically you want to keep the oldest around as heritage but that's another matter) and not masschopping on spot... it's not rimworld, is it? should I be concerned about infinite spawn waves of humans?
(also, please handle the stump and roots properly, or it'll take until the entire thing rots and is eaten inside out before a new tree can grow in a 3-5 meter radius of that thing)
also, are countries small, or do people not use that much wood? a logging company if they're going at it trihard can absolutely chop down a huge area if there's the need for wood/the market for it.