@MasGanteng silly to say i should take a break from isekai b/c one is uniquely bad compared to other generic low hanging fruit around
my toxic statements were to mirror blackrock who said those who rated a 1 star want an edgy protagonist, when they have legitimate qualms with this
the rest was to explain why i personally find this to be terrible compared to the rest
and to guide discussion
sadly, Mangadex has a problem with this and moderated all of my comments
which is silly b/c when
@kevinmul says he doesn't get why people don't like this
he doesn't get to see other points of view
@allahdiyentrex to your point... i don't get the hater of haters' comments
people making those comments don't care what you think, people who are looking for engagement don't care what you think, people who accept its faults and can even find enjoyment laughing at them don't care what you think... you could just easily ignore it if you don't want to be involved in any form of discussion that doesn't serve as a puff piece, instead of commenting about it
if seeing alternate points of view that criticize something you love really triggers you to the point it interferes with your enjoyment
well you can keep the blinders on and don't read comments made by people that may or may not agree with you to protect yourself
for me, i read long diatribes that discuss the content of a manga
personally b/c i may read something passively and think nothing of it
and seeing things from another person's perspective proves to be entertaining and in other cases expands upon ideas i couldn't properly articulate before
but ok Zoomer