MC disguise herself as a man because she was afraid bad people will attack her (sexual harassment, kidnapping, every bad thing a woman can experience)
But she now lives (permanently?) in a village where she could be safe and have a place to live in. Not long ago she got hurt while believing it what a good
man should do. Is she got herself hurt because she thinks it's her responsibility as a man (remember the ML could have dealt the man at the bar but let Souma dealt it. If he knew Souma is a woman he wouldn't have let her deal with it and get hurt) I think it's reasonable for Matilda to get worried and confronted her (and she even did it privately so I won't call it outing MC or cornering her). Also, Matilda lives outside the village (and in not a modern world) so of course her train of thoughts would be traditional. She found out a
young man who's traveling
alone is actually a woman, if course she wants to confront MC, but with the intention of helping her
As for why she she didn't tell the knights: MC had explain herself in the previous chapter why she still hid her identity from the knights. Yes she can live comfortably but how long? Can she pick up the responsibility that was thrust to her? And if people knew of her power, there's still chances of her getting attacked even with the 4 knights with her (and can we say they can protect her 24/7 for the rest of her life?) (and what if she was kick out because the royal deemed her useless and harmless, she would be in danger and alone with outsiders trying to use her abilities ) (these are what she believed in and it's understandable to be cautious when you're alone, foreigner, and apparently a legend)
Thank you for the translations and chapters