Hard to evaluate this team's JP fluency when their English isn't even up to par. Read the blurb at the top of page 2. That's essentially a business ad, and even that doesn't read like native English. If they can't author two sentences of fluent English to solicit commissions, then the low quality of the rest of the chapter really is not surprising.Feels a lot like it's been machine translated by someone with minimal/zero knowledge of Japanese, what with calling monsters "demons", and heroes "braves", which if I'm not mistaken is the default crud spit out by DeepL. Wouldn't be surprised if we see "royal capital" translated as "King's Landing" soon as well (an artefact of DeepL presumably having been trained on translations of the A Song of Ice and Fire series). Not sure I'm keen enough to read this to endure this hack-job of a translation.
unfortunately it's manhwa freak, expect breasts to be censored into a mono boob, cause they're deathly afraid of breastssomeone picked it up yay