Seriously, what an annoying character, come on, a slave attacking it's owner, I know it's the typical isekai slave trope, but for fucks sake, give it a drop of reality, there is a limit to where it can be used for comedic or whatever uses, once is fine, twice is okay, thrice should be straight up decapitation, if not straight up the second time. This author is really pissing me off. I know I pay nothing for reading, but still, man, this is a one way road straight up to boring the fuck off everyone reading it. It's a typical isekai with the big boobs, and the characters, even if plain, are likeable and they know their actual place, but they're not enough to not make people drop the shit out of it if they can use two or three brain cells. Really, that fucking cat character should either get a personality revamp or learn her place or this might go to crap, it's annoyance and lack of contribution to the whole won't help at all.