@Codecy on page 10 - it should just say "art thou blessed", not "blesseth". The -eth ending is used in the 3rd person singular (He/She). In this context blessed would be pronounced bless-id or bless-ed (depending on your accent)
Alternatively, you could say "beest thou blest?" or "art thou blest?". Beest is an old form of art, which itself is an old form of are. Beest is pronounced bee-ist/bee-est (depending on your accent again). And blest is an archiac spelling of blessed
And in the second half of that speech bubble it shouldn't be "thine spirits", it should be "thy spirits"
You would use "Thy" in the same places you would use "Your", and you would use "thine" wherever you would use "yours" -- there is an exception to this rule though, in cases where "Thy" would be followed by a vowel sound, you would use "Thine" instead, but you can still use "thy" if you want (the same rules apply to my and mine, but using mine before vowel sound only really happens when trying to be poetic or old fashioned)
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say in the first speech bubble in that panel, but I'd be happy to give you a more correct old-fashioned english phrase if you could provide a more modern translation