Isekai Demo Bunan ni Ikitai Shoukougun

Jan 22, 2018
LHT is a good example to why I would never condemn anyone for 'sniping'. You get shit like this where the group will hold off on releasing chapters and no one would bother 'sniping' it because they don't want to get shit on for it.
Also if more groups worked on the same thing then it has a lower chance of not being translated, assuming both groups are doing it for their enjoyment and not for clicks/ad revenue/donations or whatever the fuck LHT is doing.
Mar 14, 2019
A spirited fight can be good, but please don't burn yourselves out. Much like when running, people generally prefer the pace they set themselves, but when someone comes up from behind they can incite a competitive burst. Next thing you know you're both giving it your all, more is getting done and at a faster pace, but at the same time you're giving up more of yourself for your hobby. It puts a toll on you, and if you don't have the foundation it can lead to you losing interest in the action.

Be careful, whatever you do. It is in the reader's interest that things continue, so we will always selfishly ask for that, but deep down we know that it's not the same for the scanslators.
Aggregator gang
Apr 7, 2018
It's nice to have a protagonist with a brain that's not a complete asshole. Usually smarts in manga means your some nihilistic arrogant garbage human being a.k.a. the emo edge-lord.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 1, 2020

We aren't shitting on them because of the quality of their translations, we're shitting on them because they ALREADY HAVE IT TRANSLATED but won't post it until they get donations or another group threatens their hold on the manga. It's really suspicious how many of the mangas their translating haven't had an upload in 5 or so months and once another group posts a chapter they suddenly post a new chapter 2 hours after? This manga is a good example of that. Look at chapter 8 right now, it was posted 4 months ago. And if you look above that, "Soseki Scans: 2 hours ago"

Then suddenly they throw out 5 chapters almost IMMEDIATELY as another group tried to revive this series? Maybe they're just fast, but if they're fast then why did it take them 4 fucking months to post chapter 9? And this isn't the only manga they're doing this to, dozens, if not hundreds, of other different series, are being held hostage until they get donations or clicks. So no, we aren't just acting like it's our god-given right to a high-quality translation. We're being dicks because they hold a series hostage until they get whatever they want, money, clicks, ad rev, etc. out of it. And if someone tries to pick it up then they suddenly start shitting out the translated chapters that they just so happened to have laying around. I couldn't give less of a shit about the quality as long as its readable, you can see the pictures, and the English is comprehensible.

Soseki Scans is trying to patch things up, but when they try LHT suddenly turns rabid and bites the hand that feeds it. Simply put, they're a group of shitty individuals looking to make a quick buck and wasting everyone's time. There are too many coincidences in a row for this NOT to be something they planned.

May 8, 2020
So we got 5 whole chapters in a day, and that is 100% thanks to @Soseki. Great job, keep it up!
(Yes yes, technically LHT translated a couple of those, but they only released them because of Soseki. So credit where credit is due.)
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2019
LOL @ beggars throwing fits because they didn't get their free translations right fucking now. Cry moar
Active member
Apr 15, 2018
haha to counter soseki their release all chapter "immedietely"...laughable
Sep 30, 2019
Soseki and LH racing to translate
Me: (Darth Vader voice) Together, you could rule the galaxy!
Aggregator gang
Feb 9, 2019
people: arguing about sniping and release delays
me: thankful that i can be a parasite and read free stuff with decent quality online
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
You are the prime example of someone talking about something without having any idea about what he is talking about.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 1, 2020

We wouldn't be "throwing a fit" if LHT actually lets other fansubs pick up the stuff they threw aside once it started getting them donations and ad rev.
Oct 12, 2018
LHT is a bunch of clowns, I hate how they feel the need to "update/release" translations once someone else picks up their slack. They need to stop asking for money. I'm glad the series finally got updated but power to Soseki
Dec 31, 2019
I don't even follow this series, but seeing it reappear on the latest posts feed, I just had to come take a look at what was happening.

Jan 9, 2020
I really like this series hopefully the MC stays the same and doesnt turn soft all of a sudden
Jan 19, 2018
I hope Soseki group keeps translating this and fuck those LHT group, they hoarding manga, asking for donations, and try to play catch up by posting a bunch of them when someone else picks it up.
A reminder for you folk that this was 4 fucking months since they release the last chapter. And now all of sudden we have what 6 chapters without their dumbass external link 24 hours bs, try to be slick by posting 1 more chapter than Soseki.
I'm gonna bet they even have the lasted chapter, raw of chapter 14 was posted on 07/14, translated but won't release it.

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