If this plays into a cliché the MC would wish for an ordinary world. 33.33% he’d marry Yui, 33.33% he’d marry anyone else (including but not limited to his adopted sister,) and it’s also 33.33% that he’d be dead/forgotten because he ascended to the 6th dimension or cease to exist.
Why not all 3? Split him like Madoka got split, nth dimensional version fighting variants and clones to marry all 3 love interests.
Seems like maybe the creator god (if it is even actually a god) hasn't put a whole lot of thought into the repercussions of taking children and psychologically damaging them, threatening their loved ones, and then letting them choose the rules for the world.
It doesn't even feel like there was any work put in to make this justified. The fact that you had mythological deities being spawned into the world would make some sense but the original concept of variants doesn't even leave room for that how they were introduced. The isekai also did not seem connected to either of these parts, it feels like this is trying to wrap up the prior attempts of where to push the story.
Like I can understand MC not having much motivation beyond keeping Yui alive at the start but I would think the arcs to follow would be reinvigorating his desire to live, MC doesn't get much psychological development and is also getting bodied in every arc against any half decent god. The premise was solid but everything after feels disconnected. If MC actually makes his nuts hang in this fight I can forgive the last 10 chapters at least.
Thanks for the TL.